The heretical priest organization, the Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP), recently concluded its annual assembly from June 21-24 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. On May 24, the Lepanto Institute sent a letter to Archbishop Bernard Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis asking him to publicly condemn the AUSCP for its heretical positions and forbid the priests from his archdiocese from being involved with the Association in any way. Included with the letter were … [Read more...]
US Catholic Bishops Participate in Conference Promoting Same-Sex “Marriage”
CORRECTION: Bp. William Wack, provided a video presentation to the AUSCP Assembly, but did not attend in person. In a statement he issued today, Bp. Wack indicated that in his presentation: "There was no mention of same-sex marriage or anything contrary to Church teachings, that’s for sure. I hardly think that it is a scandal when a bishop talks to priests about holiness and the need to reform our lives." Bp. Wack also indicated that the rainbow blanket he donned for that picture was posted … [Read more...]