Catholic Relief Services issued a statement this afternoon, indicating that Rick Estridge, the Vice President for Oversees Finance has resigned from the organization. CRS did not disclose whether this resignation came with a severance package or other financial benefits.In its public statement, CRS said: "CRS respects Mr. Estridge’s decision and thanks him for his service. He has done a tremendous job during his years at CRS and will be missed. We are grateful that he has agreed to be … [Read more...]
CRS President Doubles-Down on Funding Contraception Providers, Employing Same-Sex ‘Married’ Executives
In a recent interview with John Burger of Aleteia, Dr. Carolyn Woo, president of Catholic Relief Services, doubled down on CRS’s commitment to maintaining dues-paying memberships in contraception and abortion spreading organizations, providing funds to abortion and contraception distributing organizations, and retaining the employment of a vice president who is a homosexual activist in a same-sex “marriage.” During the interview, Dr. Woo was asked, “CRS has been criticized by some for failing to … [Read more...]