The Director and Editor in Chief of the Catholic News Service, which is the official news and information service of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued public statements decrying proposed legislation in several states that would protect religious freedom and deny men pretending to be women the “right” to enter women’s bathrooms.Tony Spence has been the head of the Catholic News Service since 2004. Over the last few weeks, Spence has been publishing statements on … [Read more...]
The Death of a Great Man
A great man has died.While the millions who loved, respected and looked up to him mourn his loss and fear for our country’s future, others rejoice that an apparent victory for their wicked ways is near at hand. But no amount of hand-wringing or gloating will affect in any way the most important aspect of the whole ordeal: Antonin Scalia has met his maker, has been judged, and is now either a son of Mercy or a convict of Justice.Because of who Justice Scalia was, the position he held, and … [Read more...]
For Whom does the National Catholic Reporter Speak?
One week ago, the Lepanto Institute and Church Militant launched a petition to the Catholic bishops of the United States, asking them to formally condemn the National Catholic Reporter and deny it access to clergy and Catholic events. The reason for this petition is two-fold:National Catholic Reporter poisons its sizeable readership by regularly attacking the very core of Catholic Doctrine National Catholic Reporter steals the appearance of respectability and credibility from the US … [Read more...]
National Catholic Reporter MUST be Banned by US Bishops
In its latest bid for "Most Heretical Publication Since the 95 Theses of Martin Luther," the National Catholic Reporter has really outdone itself. Bearing the headline, "Editorial: Our persons of the year for 2015," National Catholic Reporter officially honored the plaintiffs behind the most immoral Supreme Court decision since Roe v. Wade, saying: "For their historic roles as plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges and for their faithful public witness as gay Catholics, we name Greg Bourke and … [Read more...]
Victory Novena for the Synod on the Family
Today begins the 9 day novena to Our Lady of Victory. Liturgically, it's fascinating to note that this particular novena begins on Michaelmas, the Feast of St. Michael and the Archangels. It's beautifully appropriate that we begin the novena to Our Lady of Victory on Michaelmas for two reasons: 1) Our Lady is the Queen of all angels, and St. Michael is the Prince of the Heavenly Host, and 2) St. Michael won the very first victory in Heaven by expelling Lucifer and the rebellious angels.The … [Read more...]