The following Executive Summary comes from the new report, researched, written, and published by the Lepanto Institute, showing that the largest Catholic healthcare network in the United States - CommonSpirit Health - is deeply engaged in gravely immoral activity, including the performance of sex-change surgeries. The complete report can be downloaded as a pdf file either by clicking the link here, or by clicking the image of the front cover the the report on the right-hand of the … [Read more...]
AUSCP to Host Same-Sex “Married” Marymount University Professor of Theology
The Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP) has replaced a keynote speaker at its 12th Annual Assembly (taking place June 12-15 at the University of San Diego) with a university Theology professor who claims to be “married” to another man. Cardinal Louis Tagle had to cancel his participation in the Assembly because he had been appointed by Pope Francis as his Special Envoy to the National Eucharistic Congress of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at a time that made his presence … [Read more...]
US Catholic Bishops Conference Member of Pro-Abortion Immigrant-Rights Coalition
While conducting research into organizations receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), the Lepanto Institute discovered that several Catholic institutions are members of a coalition called Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF). At issue is the fact that PIF that has taken a formal stance to defend abortion as a "right." The discovery was made while investigating the grantee, "Casa San Jose," which received $75,000 from the CCHD for the 2020-2021 grants cycle. … [Read more...]
Report on Grantees of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for FY 2020-2021
IntroductionThe following report on organizations receiving funding from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 provides a list of clickable reports. (Click here for the full chart of CCHD grantee Reports) Each of the organizations profiled received a grant from the CCHD, according to the latest reported list from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Next to the named organization is the amount it received from the CCHD for that year, … [Read more...]
CCHD 2020-2021 Grants Report
CCHD 2020-2021 Grants ReportWhat follows is a listing of all 66 grantees found to be in violation of CCHD guidelines and Catholic moral teaching. Click the name of the organization to read the full report. You can also sort each column alphabetically, either by name of the organization, by diocese, or by violation type.NOTE REGARDING DIOCESES NOT LISTED HERE: Most dioceses that take the CCHD collection only retain 25% of the collection money for local use. The other 75% is sent to … [Read more...]