Last week, the Lepanto Institute published an article regarding the funding practices of Catholic Relief Services. In the article, we indicated the regular granting of funds provided by Catholic Relief Services to organizations that distribute contraception, perform surgical sterilizations and commit abortions.
Last week, Catholic Relief Services responded to our article by complaining that:
Every misleading message included in the latest Lepanto posting has been thoroughly reviewed by CRS staff, as well as bishops and moral theologians. So it is disappointing and disturbing that this group continues to repeat the same discredited claims and mislead the faithful in an attempt to breed discontent and distract from the wonderful work Catholics are accomplishing around the world.
The problem is that CRS has not “discredited” the facts we have continued to present, but instead maintains a firm defense of its funding practices. Worse still is that it refuses to address the very real concerns of faithful, pew-sitting Catholics who are upset and scandalized that an official agency of the Catholic bishops would willfully provide funding to organizations that are well-documented to be fighting poverty by eliminating children.
Until the last couple of years, CRS’s tax form 990’s included a list of domestic organizations receiving CRS grants (issued as “pass-through” grants from the US government). But for Fiscal Year 2013 and 2014, which are the latest tax forms available, the funding is not listed. The Lepanto Institute contacted CRS about it and was told that changes to the IRS code no longer required the listing of such grants. In the “spirit of transparency,” the Lepanto Institute requested the latest list, and CRS obliged. In the coming weeks, we will be publishing profiles on the various abortion and contraception providing organizations CRS has been funding, and the first such group we will focus on is Africare.
According to the list provided to us by CRS, Africare received $1,286,882 from CRS in Fiscal Year 2014.
Africare bills itself as “a leading non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to addressing African development and policy issues by working in partnership with African people to build sustainable, healthy and productive communities.” The sad thing is that what Africare considers “health” includes the distribution of condoms and the increased use of modern contraception.
For instance, according to Africare’s 2014 Annual Report, Africare indicates that one of its programs in Liberia reached nearly 4,000 individuals with the promotion of contraception through what it called “Contraception Day Campaigns.” The purpose of these “Contraception Day Campaigns” was to educate women on the methods, availability, and use of modern contraception so as to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate in those areas.
Even worse, though, in 2009 Africare indicated that the most popular contraceptive methods obtained from Africare clinics included oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive injections, and condoms. Slide 6 of this slide show presentation titled, “Family Planning as a Basic Life Saving Skill: Lessons from Africare’s program in rural Liberia“ provides the data.
At the end of Africare’s Women’s Initiative for Sex Education and Economic Empowerment (WISE) program, which ran in Nigeria from 2004-2009, Africare reported as one of its “stand out results” that it was able to increase the use of condoms from 68% to 82%.
Our complete profile of Africare can be read by clicking the link here.
What’s most interesting about CRS’s grant to Africare is that while CRS (the official overseas relief and development agency of the USCCB) is defending its grants to organizations such as this, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (the official domestic anti-poverty agency of the USCCB) claims to refuse to provide such funding to similar agencies. In other words, there seems to be a double standard in the way the USCCB handles its granting programs. CRS defends its funds to organizations that dispense contraception, perform surgical sterilizations, and commit abortions … while the CCHD actually has a stated rule that it will NOT provide funding for organizations that act against Catholic moral teaching. On its Frequently Asked Questions page, the CCHD states very specifically that if grantees violate Catholic moral teachings, its grant will be revoked:
CCHD requires of each grantee the highest standards of accountability and conformity with the moral teaching of the Catholic Church. If a group commits offenses against Catholic moral teaching, or undermines the Church’s defense of the unborn or her promotion of the family, a grant qualification is rescinded.
As an example of this grant guideline in practice, after Michael Hichborn and others proved to the CCHD in 2011 that one of its grantees was actively distributing condoms, CCHD cut funding to that organization. Now, getting the CCHD to admit that any of its grantees is doing anything against Church teaching is like pulling teeth from a hippopotamus, however this example of CCHD’s rule in practice stands in stark contrast to CRS’s adamant refusal to deny funding to similar … and worse … organizations.
The question that must be addressed is, “Why is there a double standard in how CCHD issues grants and how CRS issues grants?” It’s either morally permissible for both or it is morally wrong for both. But it can’t be right for one and wrong for the other.
In 2013, while working for American Life League, Hichborn asked this very question in a video report titled, “Contraception Relief Services.”
Consistent with the vast majority of its other responses, CRS issued a statement that only touches upon the question without really answering it. After soft-peddling the issue at hand by referring to organizations that are actively working to eliminate children from impoverished areas as those who “disagree with us,” CRS claims that there is only one set of rules, but applied differently with regard to CRS and CCHD. CRS then points to its review practices and never really answers the question, “Why is CCHD holding grantees to the ‘highest standards’ of ‘conformity to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, while CRS doesn’t?” Here is how CRS addressed the question:
ALL [American Life League] claims that the US bishops have one set of rules for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and another for CRS, when it comes to giving grants to organizations whose activities are not fully in line with Church doctrine. There is only one set of rules—Catholic teaching on cooperation with those who disagree with us. However, this does not mean that this teaching leads to the same actions in all situations. To ensure that we apply this teaching and act appropriately, for several years CRS staff and board have been consulting with moral theologians and have been regularly reviewing how we apply this teaching to our decisions.
Telling folks that there is a large-scale review process in place does nothing to address the apparent contradiction between CCHD’s grants and CRS’s grants. While CCHD doesn’t really adhere too well to its own rule, at least it has a rule in place. CRS, on the other hand, is unwilling to even entertain such a standard. But considering that CRS receives approximately 70% of its annual revenue from the Federal government, the reason for the disparity is easy to grasp; If CRS was no longer allowed to provide funding to organizations that push abortion, contraception and sterilization, it would be extremely difficult for it to receive nearly half-a-billion dollars in annual government grants.
Again … the Lepanto Institute is suggesting that faithful Catholics politely refrain from the Rice Bowl collection by dropping the note below into the box instead. Just click the image and print the page.
Friends, please consider printing the coupon and putting it in any envelopes you receive from CRS through the mail and returning it to them by mail as well as in the collection basket.
CRS can do a lot of good in the world if they stop funding the culture of death. It would be GREAT to have them back do only good with their money.
It took Two letters each to get Crs , Cathl. Lge R of Mr Donahue and Salesians to get them to stop asking me for money. One letter to Ab Hartford Ct. Telling him of my joining Maronite bishopric did the trick for cchd and Ab appeal in Ct.. Maronite bishop of Brklyn. NY , former member of Crs Board has NOT had place Rice Crs bowls in Maronite churches in Ct
Bishop Paul Bootkowski issued a letter urging the faithful of his Metuchen Diocese to fill their Rice Bowls again this year:
In it, the Bishop writes:
“I encourage all of the parishes and institutions in our diocese to participate in CRS Rice Bowl for Lent 2016….we give families around the world ***the tools*** they need to rise above poverty and provide for themselves…”
(what tools might those be? condoms? pills? curettes? )
He continues:
“I remind you that last year nearly $50,000 in food security grants were given to 17 organizations in our diocese, representing the 25% portion of the Rice Bowl collection that remains locally in the Metuchen Diocese.”
$50,000 =25%….That means that the faithful dutiful Catholics of the 4 counties of Metuchen Diocese gave ***$150,000*** to fund abortion and contraception in poor vulnerable countries around the world – it’s bad enough the US Government forces us to fund these evils through taxes — this is $$$ the faithful are tricked into ***VOLUNTARILY*** handing over to – presumably – fellow Catholics!
Thank you for writing this article, Michael. I have not been giving to CRS, CCHD or the Archbishop’s Appeal for several years, now. I try to let others know of this scandal through emails etc. Unfortunately, many in the pews remain clueless unless someone tells them or they happen upon the truth themselves.
Even though I have informed my priest about this scandal, he continues to take up the collection. I know the priests have taken an oath of obedience to the Bishop, but it seems to me their first allegiance should be to God not the Bishop when they know this collection is wrong. Placing your note in the 2nd collection basket in lieu of cash is a good idea.
I received mail regularly from CRS, but once I returned their mailing with a note of refusal to give a penny to a Catholic organization that spent its money on abortion and contraception, all mailings stopped. The coupon is a good way to reinforce the message when they pass the collection basket at Mass. Thank you
Until the American bishops stop pushing these Appeals upon the unwary Catholics sitting in the pew, nothing will change. The money will keep pouring in – often from those who can least afford it. What is needed is to have a leading prelate stand up at one of the Bishops’ Conferences and condemn the practice of Bishops’ acting like shills for the population control movement.
When I received this message, I sent a message to our parish pastor and included this website link. He responded quickly with a promise to present this to the deanery. After he met with them he sent this response:
“I checked with the chancery and was told that, “Suspicion has always swirled
around CRS and inappropriate use funds. The USCCB claims those suspicions today
are unfounded. So, we take the USCCB’s word”.
I also asked that Fr. Norm to put this on the agenda for our deanery meeting
which will be held on Wednesday of this week. Perhaps some of the priests in
our deanery are more knowledgably of reported abuses. We sure do not want to
support the CRS if they promote anti-life practices.”
May the Holy Spirit continue to give Fr. Dave the wisdom, strength and hope to stand for the truth.
If Fr. Norm would like additional information or clarification, or answers to CRS’s rebuffs, please let me know. I will be more than happy to discuss this with him, either over the phone or by email, if he has questions.
God bless,
After being assured by my pastor that we would not participate with an envelope (with USCCB information all over it) and announcement to give was provided at Mass. 🙁 I guess he must know who “butters his bread”. I’m very frustrated.
My daughter shared this with her pastor in Iowa and he responded with a ton of anger….and denial.
I really wish we were surprised by this. Unfortunately, it seems to be par for the course.
Too many Catholic organisations hide behind the word Catholic. There is now a scandal that 80% of annual money raised to help poor Latin n African countries is used for personal use of many high ranking diocese officials n Vatican. That is 80%!!
I urge Catholics to find real organisations like pro life or local parishes or organisations on a local basis.
At least the money won’t go for cocaine and sex parties!!