Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, recently denounced “certain right-wing thinkers” who “see the United Nations as the devil.” Bishop Sorondo said, “The Holy See does not see the United Nations as the devil as certain right-wing thinkers do.”
Recently, the Lepanto Institute published an analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals, comparing them to the aims of Communism. As with Bishop Sorondo, some critics simply fail to see the goals of the United Nations as dangerous or the end result of a Communist agenda, and many attempt to put a Catholic spin on the Sustainable Development Goals, trying to interpret them in terms of Catholic teaching. In one interview, Bishop Sorondo actually attempted to place a Catholic understanding on the term “reproductive health” as it is identified in the Sustainable Development Goals:
- Undoubtedly, you discussed Ban Ki-moon’s and Jeffrey Sachs’ position on abortion and population control in the lead up to the conference. How were any questions resolved?
S.S. Yes. We had these discussions, and as you can see, the draft SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) don’t even mention abortion or population control. They speak of access to family planning and sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. The interpretation and application of these depends on governments. Some may even interpret it as Paul VI, in terms of responsible paternity and maternity. Instead of attacking us, why not enter into dialogue with these “demons” to maybe make the formulation better, like we did on the issues of social inclusion and new forms of slavery?
While the Sustainable Development Goals do not include the words “abortion” and “population control,” it is rather intellectually dishonest to assert that the UN’s use of the terms “family planning and sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights” do not carry with them the intention to spread abortion and birth control. Even the SDGs themselves identify the definition of these terms. As indicated in our previous report on the abortion and contraception spreading aspect of the SDGs, the SDGs call for:
“universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action.”
In our report, we identified in which ways family planning, reproductive health and reproductive rights were agreed upon in the Programme of Action of the ICPD and the Beijing Platform for Action. In short, both documents indicate these terms mean the full range of contraception, including abortifacients, and the use of abortion except as a means of family planning. Even if, as Bishop Sorondo indicates, some countries may interpret these terms in line with the teaching of Pope Paul VI, the agencies of the United Nations, such as the UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and others who will be implementing the SDGs throughout the world will be doing so according to their use of these terms. And since these agencies push contraception and abortion, we can be certain that they will be doing so with the roll-out of the Sustainable Development Goals as well.
So, while it is possible to interpret the Sustainable Development Goals with a Catholic understanding, it is naïve to assert that the United Nations intend these goals to be understood in line with Catholic teaching. As our previous report on this topic addressed the distinct mark of Communism contained in the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to see how the forces guiding the United Nations from the very beginning have been deeply rooted in Communist ideologies. Let’s not forget that the 11th goal of Communism identified by Cleon Skousen in his book The Naked Communist is, “Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.” Aside from the part about an armed force, the Sustainable Development Goals do exactly this; create panic over an alleged pending ecological disaster, establish the UN as the only hope for mankind in resolving this problem, and if implemented, establishes the UN as a supranational entity that functions as a force for global governance. This will not be an exhaustive review of the Communist nature of the UN, but should provide enough information to show that the Sustainable Development Goals, properly understood, must be taken in line with the aims of Communism and cannot be interpreted with a Catholic understanding.
The Founding of the United Nations
The United Nations was founded on April 25, 1945 following months of planning and negotiations conducted through an international conference held in Washington, DC called the Dumbarton Oaks Conference. The executive director for this conference, and subsequently the secretary-general for the United Nations Charter Conference and the temporary first secretary-general of the United Nations itself was a man named Alger Hiss. In 1948, Hiss was accused of being a Communist and subsequently convicted in 1950. And though Hiss denied ever being a Communist, even to the day of his death in 1996, Hiss was identified by former KGB officer Alexander Vassiliev as a Communist spy in 2009. That Hiss was a Communist is important to establish because it was through Hiss’s diplomatic insistence that the Soviet Union received three votes in the United Nations, while the United States received only one. Furthermore, it should be noted that Hiss’s appointment as the temporary secretary-general of the United Nations was personally recommended by the Soviet UN ambassador.
As an interesting point of fact, while not conclusive in and of itself, it’s worth noting that the emblem of the United Nations was designed under Hiss’s direction and bears a striking resemblance to the State Emblem of the Soviet Union.
Hiss did not remain with the United Nations for long, but the influence of Communist leadership at the United Nations did. Following Hiss, every single secretary-general of the United Nations has been a socialist, which is merely a less militant brand of Communism.
What follows is a list of every secretary-general following Alger Hiss with brief biographical information illustrating that each is a socialist or at least works toward socialist ends.
Trygve Halvdan Lie (1946–1953) – Lie was a member of the Norwegian Labour Party, which is a full member of the Party of European Socialists. According to a 25 November 1946 article in Time Magazine titled, “Immigrant to What?” Lie was a life-long socialist who actually met Vladimir Lenin in Moscow while on business for the Labour Party.
Dag Hammarskjöld (1953–1961) – Even though Hammarskjöld never joined any political party, he was instrumental in shaping the socialist economic policies of Sweden prior to becoming secretary-general of the United Nations.
U Thant (1962–1971) – According to a 1961 article in Time Magazine titled, “Neutralist with Moral Fiber,” U Thant called himself a “democratic socialist.” He also called birth control a “basic human right and an indispensable ingredient of human dignity.”
Kurt Waldheim (1972–1981) – Waldheim was a voluntary member of the National Socialist German Students’ League, a division of the Nazi Party. He was also a registered member of the elite Nazi Storm Troops called the SA.
Javier Pérez de Cuéllar (1982–1991) – Upon assuming his position as head of the United Nations, Cuellar called for a radical global redistribution of wealth (a socialist goal). While in office, he warned about so-called “overpopulation,” and personally provided checks for $10,000 and gold medals to “individuals or institutions making outstanding contributions to family planning.”
Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1992–1996) – From 1974 to 1977, he was a member of the Central Committee and Political Bureau of the Arab Socialist Union. He was also Vice-President of the Socialist International. The Socialist International, also known as the Second International, was founded by Marx and Engels.
Kofi Annan (1997–2006) – Kofi Annan endorsed a redistribution of wealth, calling on Western nations to dine on insects for the sake of the environment. Calling reproductive health “one of the key tools in the wider battle against poverty,” Annan said, ”Population stabilization should become a priority for sustainable development, including a strong focus on the empowerment of women and girls.” Annan also promotes human cloning, abortion, abortifacient contraception, and same-sex “marriage.” The Millennium Development Goals (the precursor of the Sustainable Development Goals) were launched under Annan’s leadership, and Annan appointed Jeffrey Sachs as the architect of the MDGs.
Ban Ki-Moon (2007-present) – Ban Ki Moon has pushed for universal access to abortion and birth control for teens. Moon has also given full support for same-sex “marriage.” Moon has also pushed for a global tax which would reshape the world economy in favor of a socialist model.
In addition to the Secretary-Generals of the United Nations having been made up of socialists and population-control advocates, nearly every single agency of the United Nations is geared toward spreading contraception as a means of population control. What follows are brief summaries about some of the UN agencies as described by the UN itself, and the ways in which they are attacking human sexuality. Our analysis is in red.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – the UN’s global development network, focusing on the challenges of democratic governance, poverty reduction, crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environment, and HIV/AIDS. UNDP also coordinates national and international efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals aimed at poverty reduction. The UNDP is also thoroughly committed to spreading all forms of contraception, including abortifacients and sterilization.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – provides long-term humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers. UNICEF promotes all forms of contraception, supports homosexuality, and teaches kids that abstinence means “kissing, cuddling, massaging and mutual masturbation.”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – protects refugees worldwide and facilitates their return home or resettlement. Promotes abortifacient emergency contraception and IUDs and supports homosexuality.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) – helps Member States fight drugs, crime, and terrorism. Promotes all forms of contraception, helps in the distribution of condoms, and supports homosexuality.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. The whole focus of the UNFPA is the push of all forms of birth control, including abortifacient contraception. The UNFPA also pushes homosexuality rights and access to so-called ‘safe’ abortion.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) – established in 1972, is the voice for the environment within the United Nations system. UNEP acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the wise use and sustainable development of the global environment. UNEP calls for “making modern contraception accessible to all,” pushes the myth of overpopulation and encourages the use of contraception to combat overpopulation.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) – has contributed to the welfare and human development of four generations of Palestine refugees. Its services encompass education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance, including in times of armed conflict. It reports only to the UN General Assembly. UNRWA provides the full range of contraceptives, including abortifacients.
UN Women – merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system, which focus exclusively on gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women advocates for access to all forms of contraception and abortion, affirms that sterilization as a form of contraception should be available to all, and promotes homosexual rights.
In the beginning of this article, we quoted Bishop Sorondo, Chancellor for the Pontifical Academy for Science, who said “The Holy See does not see the United Nations as the devil,” and who attempted to claim that “family planning and reproductive and sexual health and rights” may be interpreted “as Paul VI, in terms of responsible paternity and maternity.”
As has been seen, the United Nations was brought into creation and led by a Communist and has had socialist and pro-abortion leaders ever since. We have also seen that agencies of the United Nations are deeply involved in the promotion of abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and the myth of overpopulation. In our previous article, we even illustrated how the Sustainable Development Goals are aligned with the goals of Communism. Given the socialist leadership of the United Nations, it’s clear that this alignment is not incidental or mere happenstance.
Taken together, it simply is not reasonable to conclude in any way that the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, or any other UN agenda for that matter, can or will be interpreted in line with Catholic thinking. Because of this, goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals must be forcefully opposed by Catholics everywhere. Unfortunately, Vatican officials and agencies are going out of their way to promote the Sustainable Development Goals, flippantly dismissing any concerns as “right-wingers who believe that the United Nations is the Devil.” If proponents of the UN don’t see it as a devilish threat to the faithful, perhaps they don’t believe in the devil, either.
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