For anyone paying attention to the Pope’s first ever visit to the United States, it’s painfully obvious that a concerted effort was in play to hijack the entire thing in order to push a homosexual, anti-Catholic agenda. While Pope Francis or the Vatican likely had very little, if anything, to do with the orchestrated attempts to inject sinister ideologies into the Pope’s visit, there can be no doubt that in each case we’re about to illustrate, someone knew exactly what they were doing.
The Pope’s first stop was in Washington, DC, where he was greeted by Barack Obama and a contingent of homosexual activists. Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute, was interviewed by FOX News about individuals listed on the greeting party, and he said, “President Obama is trying to force the pope into a situation where it seems as if the Church is giving license to homosexuality and socialism. You don’t treat the head of the Roman Catholic Church as a political toy in order to push your own agenda.”
Individuals invited to the White House to greet Pope Francis included Aaron Ledesma. Ledesma, who runs a blog called “The Gay Catholic,” told the Huffington Post on September 14, “I’m gay. I’m Catholic. I’m not chaste.”
Another of Obama’s welcoming entourage was former Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson. Robinson revealed his homosexuality in 1985, and in 2008 entered into a same-sex “marriage” saying, “I always wanted to be a June bride.”
Following Pope Francis’ visit to Washington, DC, he traveled to New York. We’ll discuss the Pope’s remarks to the United Nations in another post. What we wish to note in this article is that someone had invited the provocative singer and dancer known as Shakira to sing John Lennon’s “Imagine,” which starts off with the lyrics, “Imagine there’s no heaven.” The rest of the song echoes a Marxian dream by “imagining” a perfect world where there is “no religion,” there are “no countries,” there are “no possessions,” and a great big “brotherhood of man.”
That night, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Madison Square Garden, where the very first lector was Mo Rocca. Rocca is an openly homosexual reporter who starred in the pornographic LGBT play, “Broadway Bares.” In 2011, Rocca openly professed his homosexuality in a podcast interview with “The Six Pack,” a show about “news views and dudes.” In 2013, Rocca participated in the 24th annual GLAAD (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Media Awards.
The point is, whoever selected Rocca to be a lector for the first reading of the Papal Mass in New York knew who he was, knew it would be a homosexuality-promoting stunt, and did it in the face of the Holy Father. It should be noted that in 2008, Rocca was an MC at Pope Benedict XVI’s Youth and Seminarian rally in Yonkers, New York, where he introduced musical artists and other groups before Pope Benedict’s arrival. In the following video, Rocca reads the first reading of the Mass.
Then came Philadelphia.
In August, the Lepanto Institute contacted the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with concerns regarding the executive leadership cabinet of the World Meeting of Families. One of the individuals we expressed concern about was Mayor Michael Nutter, who was an avid promoter of homosexuality, even to the point of conducting a same-sex “marriage” himself. The response from the Archdiocese was to criticize the motives of the Lepanto Institute and tell Catholics that our reports “are not to be taken seriously.” One week before the Word Meeting of Families, Mayor Nutter announced his intention to use his honorary platform at the World Meeting of Families to promote homosexuality, and in a speech at the forum, and during a live broadcast by EWTN, that is precisely what Nutter did.
Unfortunately, the only existing online video of Nutter’s speech is from EWTN, and has a German translator speaking over the original audio, so what Nutter says is difficult to hear. However, we have transcribed part of Nutter’s speech, provided below:
Nutter, in his speech, encouraged the homosexual community to continue in their fight. By speaking to a Catholic audience, Nutter, in effect, called upon Catholics to abandon their faith and join in the homosexual revolution. He said:
“In America, everyone has rights. Our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender neighbors continue the fight for human rights and equality. When speaking to the bishops of the United States of America, Pope Francis said, ‘May no member of Christ’s Body and the American people feel excluded from the Pope’s embrace.’ He had previously said, ‘If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?’ [unintelligible] Who are any of us to judge the lives of others? The scripture tells us ‘judge not, lest you be judged.’ We are one society, one people, one family. [unintelligible] Remember the words of Frederick Douglas, ‘Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will.’ Keep fighting for your rights. It’s a collective fight, but there are others fighting with you.”
These events did not happen in a vacuum. Obama’s invitation of homosexual activists to the White House to greet Pope Frances was a political stunt intended to use the Pope’s visit to promote homosexuality. Shakira’s performance at the United Nations was a stunt intended to promote the UN’s Marxist agenda. Whoever invited Mo Rocca to deliver the first reading at the Papal Mass knew what Mo Rocca was about. It is no accident that the homosexual community was all aflutter over his participation. The Archdiocese knew what Nutter was about, Nutter announced his intention to use his platform to push a homosexual agenda, and he followed through. That train wreck could be seen coming 100 miles away, and those who could have done something to prevent it, stood silently by and let it happen. That was no accident, either.
All of these things don’t happen in a vacuum. Someone invited them, someone knew who they were, and someone knew what they were going to do. For all of these things to happen in concert with each other cannot be a coincidence.
While I’d like to think the best of him, I can’t help but wonder what it was that permitted these “hijackers” to think they could do this. All of the above suggests that either we have a very naive pope or he is very aware of the doors he is opening.
Please post for a while what you are doing today , can you imagine by promoting that kind of bad is all for devil works and tricks. I pray that Pope will never allow anything that can destroy the Church,it can cause of dismayed a lot of Christian Catholic devotee.
Filed Under: abortion, Cardinal Dolan, Faith and Life, family, homosexual, Lepanto Institute, , same-sex marriage, Synod on the Family, Uncategorized, United Nations, World Meeting of Families Tagged With: Aaron Ledesma, Barack Obama, FOX News, Gene Robinson, homosexual, Michael Nutter, Mo Rocca, Shakira song no heavens, World Meeting of Families. All of this is the works of evil one .Its not the Holy spirit guided all of them i cannot accept that promoting of Homosexual, or ete.
Lord please enlighten the minds of the people who are now eager to have this kind of scandal. All i trust in you that you never allow this to happen that Pope misguided due to that powerful people insist to have this one kind of scandalous.
Please pray our Pope Francis that Holy Spirit poured out him to say the truth in Christ commandments.
Whilst you may be correct in your conclusions above Michael I wonder whether all of this was done with the approval of the Pope’s Minders in the Vatican.
Even worse, dissident and apostate Catholics in politics and other prominent arenas are giving a false witness to the faith by claiming to be Catholic while promoting abortion, contraception and homosexuality. As a remedy to this grave situation, is to encourage recourse to the Holy Rosary, particularly offered for bishops and priests, while presenting the facts on individuals and institutions such as these.
Those who claiming Catholics and promoting such as scandalous and grave situation please post for a while you are part of mass people distracting the Church of Christ.
You High Jacking Pope Francis just to promote what you wanted for you never succeed, if you succeed at the end you never Happy you screaming your teeth in final judgement.
The pope did not bow in his speeches, he didn’t give in to pressures. The Pope gathered steam and strengthened his message as his visit went on, concluding with undoubtedly strong stance on the family and the sanctity of life he made in Philly. IMHO, he succeeded in touching many with the Gospel that might not have heard itotherwise. They will seek, and they will find. All this despite the slights laid before His Holiness. It’s obvious to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear what tried and failed to do.
We all know that there are clergy and others who promote their own agenda which is in direct opposition to our church’s teachings. I thought the holy Father did his best while being himself to try to offer love to all. He reminds us in his own way of the teachings re marriage, family, and life. Yes there are those who are in sin. We have to encourage them to repent as we speak and live out the truth. We can’t toss people aside. I think that is what Francis does. I would love it if all would repent and believe in the gospel, but not all are there yet. Pray and fast for our clergy, especially our bishops.
I was at the World Meeting of Families all week. The redefinition of marriage was addressed a lot.
I personally was afraid that Nutter (a Democrat) would use this as a political thing once the Pope arrived, and I’m sure Obama called him to make sure he did.
However, the Archdiocese didn’t really have a choice, we could not ban the mayor since we needed his support.
During his opening speech on Tuesday, for the World Meeting of Families, he kept it Catholic friendly; but he finally showed his Obama love on Saturday.
Additionally, one thing that did bother me during his opening speech and on Saturday was that Nutter was making it seem like he was Catholic. He isn’t and never was, he simply went to Catholic School. But he was never a Catholic.
In regards to the Archdiocese of NY, that’s a totally different story. I can’t even begin to understand what they were thinking.
Mr. Hickborn: please wakeup. Pope was hi jacked willingly. He is pro homo, has as you know appointed many gay friendly prelates to high office and church positions. His views of cap punishment, equalizing wealth, immorality of producing nuclear weapons are pc nonsense and heretical. there is also his ecumenical idolatry and his cannonization of the koran kisser, JP2 the great apostate. Thanks for exposing the uncatholic actions of the american bishops who because of Paul6 new rites of order are layman, just like their baptist and episcopalian brother bishops. Larry
The RCC has been infiltrated and they are in high places as warned by the late Fr. John O’Connor and Fr. Rueda.
The pope is responsible. For goodness sake, stop trying to absolve him of everything. Neo-catholics have been making excuses for the nonsense coming out of the mouths of post-conciliar popes since the Council.
Full stop–the Novus Ordo was the initiation of a new religion–a syncretic, anthropocentric, truly human “fraternal brotherhood” devoid of doctrine. Read the writing on the wall and taste the bitter fruits.
Matthew 16:3
“And in the morning: Today there will be a storm, for the sky is red and lowering. You know then how to discern the face of the sky: and can you not know the signs of the times?”
I don’t want to be redundant, but I cannot believe that this POPE is so, “out of it”, that HE did not know, how he was being “USED”!! The cadre who he has selected to support him are either incredibly deceitful (in his evaluation), or this Pope is an absolute and manipulated ASS!
I pray for this “disaster” to be short lived, and to have as little influence on the church as possible!
Yes the church survived the “Borgia’s”, but was horribly “scarred”, and I fear this fellow, at this time is a potential “Death Nell” for traditional Catholicism!!
Seems to me like most of you didn’t pay attention to what he actually said.
That’s your loss I suppose. I do however encourage those with Sede Vacantist leanings to put your pride away and open your heart to Christ and His bride’s magisterium. Don’t make the same mistake as our Protestant brothers have in creating your own church with yourselves as the authority. You are in my prayers.
Actually I did pay attention to what he “actually said.” In fact, I have been paying very close attention to what he has “actually said” from the beginning of his pontificate. And therein lies the problem. No need to jump to a sede-vacantist conclusion. We’ve had such popes before.
I wasn’t referring to your post in particular Mr. Rohr, which was level headed in approach. I was referring to others. Unbalanced approaches with language like “postconciliar” tends to come from sedevacantists or those on their way. Many comments in the thread show a lack of humility and respect. Know them by their fruits.
I agree that some of the pope’s statements from the past can be misconstrued in either direction. However, taking what he’s said as a whole especially during his US visit, shows his orthodoxy. What you see as open doors for bad, I see as him having faith in the Holy Spirit to change people, people that would shut off if he would’ve clubbed them with condemnation. He stood for church teaching clear as day. Those that are in self imposed ignorance will continue twisting his words for themselves, but those seeking will find the Truth of the Church in his words.
Thank you for the clarification. As I said, “I’d like to think the best of him.” My concern is that in these terribly uncertain and confusing times, his lack of clarity and his constantly being “misconstrued” – requiring an army of apologists to tell us what he really said – is simply dangerous. There’s not much I can personally do about it other than to engage others. I can’t tell you the number of Catholics who are now relieved that homosexual relations and abortion are no longer sins. Not to mention that I am now the bigot.
Simply put “loose lips sink ships.” By way of illustration, I’ve often wondered why, despite the church’s supposedly clear teaching on contraception, the majority of Catholics not only contracept, but actually believe it is moral to do so. The blame has been laid on disobedience and bad catechesis, etc. But never is the blame laid at the source: a pope. A pope who clearly intimated that the teaching could be changed, and probably would be:
“We say frankly that so far we do not have sufficient reason to consider the norms given by Pope Pius XII on this matter [of contraception] as out of date and therefore as not binding. They must be considered as valid, at least until We feel obliged in conscience to change them.” (Acta apostolicae sedis (AAS) 56 (1964) 588-59,1964 address to the special papal commission on the use of contraceptives)
Note: He used the capital “We” in the same sentence as “change them” i.e. the norms on contraception.
This little bit of “fact” is never mentioned in the attempt to canonize Paul VI for his “prophetic courage” in penning HV. But this example of “loose lips” is what got out. And by the time he penned HV, Catholics were already joyfully contracepting and still are.
I understand where you’re coming from. I guess my approach is just different. Let’s face it. Some people will be swayed by the pope. Others won’t. Some will look to the popes for teaching, others won’t. But if they aren’t getting it at the parish level, every Sunday, if they aren’t getting it in catechism while preparing for their first communions, or in preparation for their confirmations, or in the home, they won’t have a solid foundation to build on. If they don’t hear it from their neighbor, their brother, those around them whom they trust, admire and know (whom they are more likely to be moved by) they’ll follow the world. If they have these things they can see anything that comes from the popes or anyone else through the Catholic lens of the Magisterium. I see it as an opening from the Holy Spirit for us to go out and make disciples of all nations.
Dear AriS:
We “get” the message!! It’s unsatisfactory!!
The Pope spoke in extremely GENERAL and Vague terms re: the family, and life, and a delusional “Pastoral care”, etc.!
If he wanted to be honest with the American audience he should have used such language as “Gay Marriage”, “Homosexual life style/activities”, “Sodomy”, “Abortion”, “Fetal body parts”! That is the language the world needs, in order to understand his positions, and Not be open to distortion by a liberal, pandering, media !
This is a very DARK hour for Catholicism, and it’s NOT a time for vagaries and “Broad Strokes”!
Sadly, the Pope lost a great opportunity to clarify HIS position on these issues and became the “foil” of all those sinners who made a mockery of his message!
Michael perhaps you should have listened to One Peter Five podcast by Steve S. He is angry and appalled at this complete denial of reality concerning Francis. It was NOT a hijacking. The man was canvassed and is at least sympathetic to Marxism. Why can’t you see this? You admitted that now the WMF was rigged yourself. Are you not even concerned that he is actually being spoken like he is Jesus Christ Himself. PLEASE WAKE UP AND FACE REALITY!
You are spot on good work! Keep on shouting. Some of the sheep will be saved.This is for you.
“The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: ‘Here is the wolf!’ when it enters the flock or anywhere else.” ~ St. Francis de Sales, Introduction to the Devout Life, Part III, Chapter 29
Ari S.
It is we who pray for your coming to the one true faith. The VII Novus Ordo One World Religion is certainly the work of the devil. These are for you.
All the evils of the world are due to lukewarm Catholics.” – Pope St. Pius V
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church” – Bl. Pius IX
Liberal is the last thing anyone who knows me would call me. I am however faithful to the magisterium. Mathew 16:18.
All in all , the devil will fail, he is trying wildly but Christ said “Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will NEVER prevail against it” . So all of you continue to pray for the Pope , he is asking for prayers himself. Say the rosary everyday Our Mother will handle it.