NOTE: At the end of this article, we ask that you contact your bishop to demand that all members of Faith in Action be immediately and permanently banned from future funding from the CCHD.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) are funding an organized and direct effort to elect former vice president Joe Biden as the next president of the United States. Faith in Action (formerly the PICO Network) is one of the most heavily funded organizations of the CCHD. The Faith In Action Network includes forty-nine organizations spread across twenty states. At least twenty-nine affiliates of Faith in Acton’s network receive funding from the CCHD, comprising more than $1.5 million in the 2019-2020 CCHD grants cycle. Each local affiliate of Faith in Action is a branch from the national organization, which means that every directive and action of the national organization is also the directive and action of the local groups as well. Those Faith in Action members receiving CCHD funds for 2019-2020 are:
Faith in Action Bay Area – $30,000
Faith in San Joaquin – $25,000
Inland Congregations United for Change – $75,000
LA Voice – $40,000
People Acting in Community Together – $25,000
Sacramento Area Congregations Together – $50,000
San Diego Organizing Project – $50,000
Together Colorado – $50,000
Faith in Florida – $40,000
Faith in Indiana – $40,000
The MICAH Project – $60,000
Brockton Interfaith Community – $65,000
Essex County Community Organization – $75,000
I Have a Future – $60,000
Massachusetts Communities Action Network – $65,000
Pioneer Valley Project – $75,000
United Interfaith Action of Southeastern Massachusetts – $50,000
Worcester Interfaith – $40,000
Michigan Faith in Action – $65,000
ACTIONN – $65,000
Granite State Organizing Project – $40,000
Faith in Essex County – $50,000
NM Comunidades en Acción y de Fe – $55,000
Alliance of Communities Transforming Society – $65,000
Faith in New York – $50,000
Niagara Organizing Alliance for Hope – $65,000
VOICE – Buffalo, Inc. – $65,000
Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower and Rebuild – $65,000
Vermont Interfaith Action – $60,000
In 2016, the CCHD awarded the National PICO Network a massive grant of $500,000, which means that Catholic funding has gone to both local members of Faith in Action as well as the national organization.
As will be shown from Faith in Action’s own website and social media feeds, Faith in Action is involved in a consistent and direct partisan push in favor of Joe Biden and against Donald Trump for the 2020 national election. Not only is this a direct violation of CCHD grant guidelines, but if left uncorrected it displays USCCB complicity with electioneering for an apostate Catholic who supports abortion through all 9-months of pregnancy, has performed two same-sex “marriages,” and is running on a campaign that promises persecution of faithful Catholics throughout the country.
CCHD grant guidelines clearly state that partisan activities are strictly forbidden by CCHD and IRS guidelines:
Both the teachings of the Catholic Church and the regulations of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service prohibit CCHD from engaging in or supporting partisan political activities. Additionally, under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations absolutely are prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.
As such, any organization involved in partisan political activities is ineligible for CCHD funding. Non-partisan voter registration efforts undertaken by applicant groups facilitate civic participation in democracy and are supported by the Church. At the same time, however, any effort that seeks to register voters for one political party over another constitutes partisan political activity. Any group involved in such partisan political activity would be ineligible for funding. [emphasis added]
In addition to this guideline, the CCHD forbids funding to organizations that are members of coalitions which violate Catholic moral teaching:
CCHD CANNOT FUND groups that knowingly participate in coalitions that have, as part of their organizational purpose or their coalition agenda or actions, anything that contradicts fundamental Catholic moral or social teaching, due to the fact that CCHD is an initiative of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Examples would be promotion or support of contraception, abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, racism, the use of the death penalty, or punitive measures toward immigrants. Prohibited activities include participation in or endorsing actions that promote legislation that contradicts Church teaching (for example, voter guides and other written materials in support of such ballot measures). [emphasis original]
This report will prove that Faith in Action is in direct violation of both CCHD guidelines through its “Live Free” project and through the actions of its leadership and their relationship with a Biden-endorsing Political Action Committee.
Because the scope of electioneering within the Faith in Action network takes place on national, regional, and local levels, the CCHD must immediately defund all Faith in Action members, demand the money to be returned, and forbid all future funding from ever going to members of Faith in Action. The precedent for taking such measures already exists. In 2008, the CCHD permanently banned the community organizing network called ACORN from all future funding, due in part to “questions surrounding political partisanship.”
Live Free Project
The Live Free Project is one of Faith in Action’s major national projects. It works primarily around the issues of gun violence and criminal justice, but in recent months has directly promoted and called for the election of Joe Biden and the defeat of Donald Trump in the national presidential election.
Earning $113,000 a year, Faith in Actions’ Director of Urban Strategies and Director of the Live Free project is Rev. Michael McBride.
In 2017, while employed as one of Faith in Action’s highest paid key employees, McBride helped co-found the political advocacy organization called the Black Church Political Action Committee (Black Church PAC). On the Black Church PAC’s homepage and under the section titled, “Our Founding Members,” McBride’s biography clearly indicates his work for Faith in Action, identified by its former name, PICO.
The first problem with this relationship is that the Black Church PAC, being highly partisan, has directly endorsed Joe Biden for president. The open and active political activities of McBride as both a Director of Faith in Action and the Black Church PAC have blurred the lines between the two organizations to the point of non-existence.
Of course, Rev. Michael McBride’s work to elect Joe Biden in and of itself does not violate CCHD guidelines. However, he has repeatedly used the Faith in Action Live Free platform to cross promote Black Church PAC partisan activities. This is a direct violation of CCHD guidelines and possibly a violation of IRS rules and regulations. What this means is that Faith in Action, through one of its directors and on its social media platform, is promoting a PAC that is directly involved in the effort to elect Joe Biden.
There are too many instances of FIA Live Free’s social media being used to promote Black Church Pac activities to list them all. But bearing in mind that Black Church PAC has declared its open support for Joe Biden, all FIA posts promoting Black Church PAC is driving traffic directly to the promotion of Joe Biden and other Democrats. Here are a few of the social media posts from FIA’s Live Free Project promoting Black Church PAC:
This is a very recent Facebook video of Black Church PAC voter registration training uploaded by FIA’s Live Free Project :
This is a live-feed posted by FIA’s Live Free Project of an October 5th Black Church PAC voter drive concert:
This October 01 Facebook post by FIA’s Live Free Project promotes Black Church PAC’s “Souls to the Polls” training session. Of note is the fact that this session directly instructs participants to find out more about Black Church PAC, which means that FIA is sending people to an organization that has openly endorsed Biden for voting information:
Michael and Ben McBride (both high-level Directors in Faith in Action) made a video response to the first presidential debate on Sept 30 for the Black Church Pac, wherein both describe President Trump as “vile,” “racist,” and “disgusting.” At 7:08, Ben McBride, the co-Director for PICO California, called President Trump “the Klansman in Chief.”
On Sept. 24, FIA’s Live Free facebook page posted Black Church Pac’s “Souls to the Polls” training session. In the session, Michael McBride tells viewers that their political decisions should be fueled by their rage.
This is an Aug. 18 Black Church PAC video conference promoting the same-sex “marriage” advocacy group called the Human Rights Campaign, posted on the Live Free FB page.
In August of 2020 Live Free was a “Community Partner” in a program called “Into Action” which clearly called for the support of the Biden–Harris ticket. In Live Free’s tweet promoting “Into Action,” the video promotion starts with a woman holding a purse that says “feminist,” while the next female in the sequence makes an allusion to abortion saying, “My body, my business.”
The entire event was absolutely vile, actively promoting transgenderism and abortion, but we’ll get into that in our next report on Faith in Action. Here is a clip from the Into Action event of which Live Free and Black Church PAC were “community partners.” What this clip contains is a very unambiguous call for people to vote for Democrats. To see the entire Into Action video, click here.
Again, what this shows is that there is an intimate relationship between Faith in Action and the Joe Biden-endorsing Black Church PAC, and this relationship is leading those who follow Faith in Action to embrace the political endorsements and activities of the Black Church PAC. But Faith in Action’s association with the Black Church PAC isn’t the only activity constituting direct partisan political activity that violates CCHD grant guidelines.
FIA’s Live Free Project Twitter activity is full of negative propaganda regarding President Trump and even calls for the funding of Democrat candidates.
For instance, on October 11, Live Free retweeted direct calls for the funding of Gary Peters, the Democrat Senator from Michigan.
This is clearly partisan behavior. But there’s more. Some of these re-tweets are crass and vile and perhaps the US Bishops may wish to take a second look at who they are paying to represent their social justice activities.
Here are a few examples:
On September 29, amid a plethora of negative tweets about President Trump, Faith in Action’s Live Free Project retweeted a statement that one “cannot debate a piece of [expiative].”
On October 04, Faith in Action’s Live Free project retweeted a call for people to “vote as if [Biden] is down 27%,” which is essentially a call for votes for Biden.
On October 05, FIA’s Live Free Project retweeted a false claim that Trump’s campaign is engaged in voter suppression.
On October 06, FIA’s Live Free Project retweeted a call to have “Trump removed from power,” while claiming “We are at war with Putin.”
PICO California
PICO California is the regional umbrella for all 19 Faith in Action member organizations in California. Rev Ben McBride (Rev. Michael McBride’s brother) is co-director of PICO California, and at $110,000 a year, his salary is very similar to his brother’s.
PICO California also used social media to promote Black Church PAC activities and make a direct call for the defeat of President Trump, as seen in this Sept 10 retweet by PICO California of Rev. Michael McBride.
PICO California also promoted Black Church PAC’s “Black Church Rocks” and “Souls to the Polls” partisan voter drive efforts on September 21 and October 5:
Faith in the Valley San Joaquin
Faith in the Valley San Joaquin is a member organization of FIA, and was granted $25,000 for the 2019-2020 CCHD grants cycle. It has also joined FIA’s promotion of partisan activities on its social media platforms.
This Aug. 8th Facebook post promoted a Black Church PAC event, saying:
“Yo! The play is in motion; let’s get a win for the Lord and the ancestors! This Monday, years of work coalesce into launching Black-led, Black-centric, Black church organizing ensuring we get Trump out, and our freedom IN! This Black vote this November gonna be epic!” [emphasis added]
These examples from the national, regional and local levels of Faith in Action clearly show an organized effort by leadership within FIA to use the network to push their own partisan projects. The lack of oversight by the CCHD in both its “rigorous” screening process and ongoing grants compliance efforts has allowed the Bishops name to be used by this behemoth community organizing group to stump for party politics. Bishops across the country, many of whom demand that priests violate their own consciences by taking up the CCHD collection, are now directly complicit in the funding of political electioneering. Faith in Action as a network is in direct violation of the CCHD grant guidelines regarding involvement in partisan politics, and MUST be immediately and permanently defunded, just as was done with ACORN in 2008. And if the USCCB is unwilling to take such action against Faith in Action, then individual bishops will have no choice but to withdraw from the CCHD collection in the fall.
Contact your bishop and the CCHD and DEMAND that Faith in Action be permanently DEFUNDED!
Click here for the contact information for your bishop.
Click here for the name and email address of your diocesan CCHD director.
Bp. David G. O’Connell, Chairman of the CCHD Subcommittee
Ralph McCloud, CCHD Director 202-541-3367 [email protected]
Lydia Jiles, Grants Administrator 202-541-3210 [email protected]
Juan Aranda, Grants Specialist for Area D 202-541-3370 [email protected]
Main Number . . . . . . . . . . 202-541-3210
Fax Number . . . . . . . . . . 202-541-3329
Main Email . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
Grant Specialists
Area A Ian Mitchell 202-541-3371 [email protected]
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont
Area B Gene Giannotta 202-541-3211 [email protected]
Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
Area C Randy Keesler 202-541-3369 [email protected]
Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee , Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia
Area D Juan Aranda 202-541-3370 [email protected]
Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas
Area E Sean Wendlinder 202-541-3212 [email protected]
Alaska, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
Thanks for sharing this most craziest view of our Bishops attitude! That is why our Holy Cathiolic Church is so messed up! Our Bishops have top do more Adoration And Rosaries before the Blessed Sacrament so that they can ask the Lord Jesus Is this what we need to do, to elect Boden the President who stands for Abortion destroying life.
The devil ???? is working overtime in this election year, and within the circle of the Catholic Church. How dare you line it with the platform of the Democratic Party!!!!EVIL!!
Mary is on the right road here..This is direct and unimpeachable evidence that the idiot devil had found a “toehold” in the catholic church. When our adversary gets this far, the only way to rid the church of his presence is constant prayer, and those bishops must not be part of it, unless and until they repent..
Yes! The democratic party is promoting EVIL!
This is so true
This is beyond a discrace!!!!!!
The Smoke of Satan has entered the Catholic Church – Christ Save Us –
When some have lost supernatural faith this is the result.
No Catholic can support & vote for someone who supports abortion. Biden & Pelosi should be excommunicated from the church
So very true!!!
Excomunicate the spineless bishops as well.
This is disgusting. The whole bunch of traitors and hipocratical people who are clearly not for God. You are going against what God is for, it is a disgrace. You are mocking the church What are you doing standing before the church as guiders and leaders of the church, and you are leading people against what is right. Satan has the bunch of you in his clutches. You teach to never have an abortion , never kill , follow God’s laws and here you are leading people the other way. You are knowingly trying to vote in someone who clearly will keep abortions going until the ninth month. What is wrong with all of you. You are disgracing our Catholic church . We do not vote in people who no problem go for butchering babies. I feel sorry for you when you stand before God and explain this one. You are not Catholic s. This is not what true catholics stand for. This is utterly disgusting. Trump is for God. Biden doesnt get it , and you so called Catholics obviously don’t either. Or you really do and you’re all just plain evil. You are the wolves in sheep’s clothing . Utterly disgusting. You are leading people astray , and you are supposed to be guiding and guarding the flock and leading the flock to heaven . Unbelievable!!!!
You hit the nail on the head. Wolves in sheeps clothing. Go to EWTN on YouTube and get the history behind this. wolves in sheeps clothing. I spent years hearing things from the pulpit and was angry and scared for our Catholic faith. Now I know why. We need to clean the church from the top down. God bless us.
The “diabolical disorientation” goes right to the top, as Sr. Lucia described it.
Rad “Fatima in Twilight”.
Tricia, I couldn’t have said it better myself! They take our hard earned money for all this evil, including homosexuality, transgender rights as well as strippers promoting the vote in a semi nude video that Lepanto shows in another article! I wrote to my bishop who is the vice president of the US Catholic Council of Bishops. I doubt if he will respond. Is this really the true Church that I came back to? The pope, Biden, now this abomination!
Infiltration at work. Thank goodness for EWTN and the faithful bishops. God hears the prayers of the people. So, FAST and PRAY. Our priests are under attack and they need us!
Not one cent of my financial donations reaches any part of the New Church. For many years I financially support only the SSPX, FSSP,Traditional Benedictines and any Traditional arm of the True Church.
Thank you for those contacts.
Can’t go much lower than funding a baby killer.
Our church has been infiltrated by evil
Bishop Tally you know better than to do this. I hope you will not let yourself be corrupted by this CCB. YOU are much better than this. As a Shepherd of your flock, and I want to still be a part of your followers, you can NOT stray this far off the TRUE course of your Catholic teachings. PLEASE reconsider and follow the TRUE teachings of our faith.
Thia may be offensive to some, but it is the reality of our times, and it is not an indictment against all priests or bishops, but here it is.
Is it possible that some of those who are actively involved in trying to get Joe Biden elected (the abortion loving Catholic), relate to him and his predeliction for young children?
It’s no secret that in California right now, they’ve signed a law making sex with children legal, and because Biden will be declared mentally unfit if he wins, it will put Kamala Harris in the oval office. Once Harris is in charge, because she is from CA, she might be inclined to push for pedophilia to be legalized nationwide, giving them protection with LGBT, which also started in CA
This is a disgrace. The church is becoming corrupt through the evil spewed by the left. Since when is it alright to have an abortion? Much less kill an unborn baby in the final stages of pregnancy!
I cannot believe what is going on in our church and what we are asked to support. CLEAN YOUR HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!
This is why faithful Catholics must defund the bishops and dioceses at all levels. If you must give to a parish, give restricted funds.Not a penny to a diocese or other national or international Catholic organizations.
This is why I follow the Holy Love messages. Our country, our Church, all souls need to live the Great Commandment to love God above all else and our neighbor as our self. The unborn, created by God, is our neighbor. “Thou shalt not kill” is clear. “Let the blood of the Lamb suffice,” said Mother Mary. We must pray for our bishops and priests, and for all souls to have clarity as to the difference between good and evil. We must pray for the virtues of courage and truth. Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, Protectress of the Faith, and Defender of all virtue, come to our aid!
Your letter was absolutely superb. Did you find out about CCHD through watching Father Ripperger on Sensum Fidelium? Another wonderful source for the Church Militant is Dr. Taylor Marshall. I found them on YouTube. I had no idea all of this has been going on for so long. Apparently, a lot of the people who commented on this site don’t know either.
I am definitely going to read the democratic platform and everything else for more information. I learned on reading the article today that they plan to persecute Catholics? They’ve been trying to destroy the Catholic Church for decades ( and certainly Satan has for millennia). Thanks again. Susan
One more reason I will be taking a pass on the year’s Bishop’s Annual Appeal and probably for the foreseeable future until things at the USCCB get back to normal.
“Transvestigation” tag on shows KAMALA is a male with Kardashian bubble bum implants. READ MILES MATHIS “UPDATES” on the imposter inbred royal cousins from Phoenecian Venetian bankster “Seed of Satan” genocidal slavery lineage. KAMALA is from slaver, not slave, family. Ditto Meryl Streep, Larry David, Ben Affleck… Cousins all. Virgin Mary, reveal the thoughts of all hearts. Amen
When our donations fund a politcal campaign that supports abortion, it’s time to quit donating. This is unbelievable. HOW????? How is this justified!? Lord have mercy on us all!
Unconscionable. I am sending this link to friends. Thank you, Michael, for your work. God bless you!
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops [formerly the NCCB/USCC} poisons everything it touch with its avarice and Marxist leanings. These episcopal conferences worldwide, have been the bane of faithful Catholics for more than a half-century. It was the NCCB/USCC that singlehandedly brought sex initiation programs into Catholic schools. And its long association with homosexual prelates and priests, religious and lay homosexuals is well documented in my book The Rite of Sodomy. These anti-Catholic trojan horses cannot be reformed. They need to be eliminated, aka eradicated, aka done in. You get the picture. Randy Engel
This cannot continue. It goes against Catholic values absolutely… this is very disconcerting!
Many RC’s are not at all Catholic. Many Evangelicals too have slipped away. Let all true believers share their faith and bring people back to God.
In Brazil Pentecostals and Catholic Charismatics work together to bring unbelievers to the truth. Let us do the same in North America.
Are all the bishops aware of this? I am sure that Our Phoenix Bishop is Not for this!
I want to affirm and challenge your article. The photograph you used is clearly photoshopped. You are “forging” a relationship between Vice-President Biden and the USCCB that does not exist. You should apologize to all – especially the bishops.
Second, you raise some very important questions about LiveFree. Thank you. These should be looked into.
Third, I did not see if the CCHD responded to your article. Have they? Have they made a public statement? If they did, and you knew about it, you have an obligation to report it.
Four, I am sure that if you examine the grants that were made, these were made for particular projects. Your article does not give sufficient context – a proposal is made, funding is granted for a specific purpose, and then the agency receiving the grant must account for its use. I believe the good people at CCHD will carefully review how these funds were used and if the agencies they funded violated any of the conditions of the grant.
Pope Francis, in his recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti, reflected on the story of the Good Samaritan. The Good Samaritan helped the injured man and, through his compassionate care, generous attention, and material support, assisted the healing process so he could be made whole again. We know nothing more about the injured man. Was he grateful? Did he live a good life? Was he compassionate? What the injured man did with his life has no bearing on the compassion shown by the Good Samaritan. People will take advantage of our charity. We must still be charitable.
Hi Donald,
1) The top image was indeed photoshopped in order to provide an icon that explains in a single image the ideas that the story conveys. Because the report definitively shows how the USCCB is providing funding to a network that is actively working for the election of Joe Biden – as happened with the CCHD’s funding of ACORN, which worked to the election of Barack Obama – the top iconic image is not baseless. And given the CCHD’s long history of funding hard-Left organizations and causes, the idea conveyed by it is well founded.
2) You’re welcome.
3) CCHD has not responded to the report to our knowledge. CCHD cut off communication with us in 2012 after we proved to them that the Gamaliel Foundation lied directly to them about its relationship with a same-sex “marriage” endorsing organization.
4) It doesn’t matter what the purpose of the grants were. CCHD grant guidelines are very clear – CCHD will not fund organizations that are engaged in political activity or activity that contradicts Catholic moral teaching.
5) Pope Francis’s reflection on the Good Samaritan in Fratelli Tutti conflicts with the Church’s traditional teachings regarding the parable. The “injured man” was Adam, who was robbed by demons of his sanctifying Grace. He was going “down” from Jerusalem to Jericho, which is to say that He was walking away from the Kingdom of Heaven and on the path toward Hell. The Priests and Levites are the priests and prophets of the Old Testament who were incapable of healing the wounds caused by Adam’s original sin. The Good Samaritan is Christ Himself. The oil and wine poured into the wounds are the sacraments and sacramentals. The donkey upon which the Good Samaritan put the injured man is Christ’s own body, which bears for us the sounds of sin. The Inn is the Church. The Innkeeper is St. Peter. St. Augustine says, “The two pence are the two precepts of love, which the apostles received for the evangelizing of the world, or the promise of this life, and of that which is to come.” The return of the Samaritan is the Second Coming of Christ.
We know it is photoshopped … that is obvious …. it’s just a meme, guy. Listen to the Taylor Marshall YouTube video with Michael Hichborn on 10/19/2020. The explanation will describe how the CCB indirectly funded an apostate’s campaign.
God gives is leaders that were deserve. It’s partly the Catholics fault. Who of us shop on Sundays when it is forbidden? Who of us practice contraception which is a mortal sin? How many of us believe in the real presence? Do we treat our parents with respect? Do we engage in immodesty of the eyes and take in the images of immodestly dressed people on TV? Have we forgotten to look away and to immediately reject lustful thoughts which can in themselves turn into mortal sins?
Let’s not forget that pious rosaries and Latin masses are useless if we keep offending the Lord by our disobedient lifestyles.
Our God created all life. He is the beginning and the end of all things. God’s hand rests upon a woman’s womb. He opens and closes it, allows or denies pregnancy.
God knows the unborn and loves them.
It is a spiritual warfare. It is sad that the oppressed in this fight for LIFE are silent. As they develop in the womb, they cannot speak up to defend themselves.
What happened to the fifth commandment.
All lives matter!
We the laity are also responsible, we all need to be obedient to the teachings of the Church, and pray for the leadership or become leaders ourselves. It time to pray and be witness for the true One Holy Catholic Church. God will bless us
This is so despicable and upsetting! God help us.
I demand that all bishops stop helping Joe Biden win the White House. This is despicable!!
This is remarkably EVIL and desperately wicked.
For four years, the USCCB, Dolan, Raymond Arroyo, and EWTN licked Trump’s boots. They got their three SCOTUS justices and hundreds of unqualified GOP federal judges on the bench. Many Evangelicals ministers are jumping ship and saying they’re supporting Biden. Their pitch is Jesus spoke about the poor, the sick, the meek, the oppressed. We all know that the GOP could care less about these kinds of folk. Now the Evangelic folks say we got the Pro-Choice issue covered, so let’s enact some Catholic Social Teaching that only the Dems can do. Either way you slice it, it seems duplicitous to me.
“Pro-Choice” should read “Pro-Life.”
have anyone of the vatican 2 novus ordo sect church figured it out yet. the so called cardinals and bishops have no power nor the clergy because they are not the true catholic faith and church. the pillar of truth is the universal church established by Christ, this is at the time of the last Pope Pius XII and not the modernist apostate heretics who destroyed the faith and gave you a new church part of the new world order system with antipopes who have destroyed lives and billions of souls. I would tell you to seek the truth to set you free from this false church claiming to be catholic. some sources look for sedevacantist sites and learn your true faith save your souls and others.
A true betrayal
I pledge allegiance to the flag and the United State of America, one nation UNDER GOD, with liberty and justice for ALL.
Pray for our country and those many misguided Christian (?) leaders!!!
Quick question if what you are saying in the article is true have you informed your Bishop or the USCCB…CCHD of this information? According to your article the grant was given to Faith in Action and from there it has disseminated to FIA affiliates. Some of who are openly endorsing Joe Biden.
According to Faith In Action website this is what they are about:
We believe in a society free of economic oppression, racism and discrimination in which every person lives in a safe and healthy environment, is respected and included, and has agency over the decisions that shape their lives.
We believe organizing is the best way to address the spiritual and material crises facing our society. It is the best tool we have for standing up to the wealthy individuals and corporate interests profiting from racial and economic oppression and environmental destruction. To create a new society based on equity, sustainability, and love we need to build strong multi-racial people-led organizations that relentlessly press for social change.”
Your article title: “US Catholic Bishops Finance Organized Effort to Elect Joe Biden” is misleading. It implies that USCCB is directly funding Joe Biden as well as implies they are aware of this. Yet in your article you make the claim they FIA is in violation and state that the USCCB must respond to the accusation:
” As will be shown from Faith in Action’s own website and social media feeds, Faith in Action is involved in a consistent and direct partisan push in favor of Joe Biden and against Donald Trump for the 2020 national election. Not only is this a direct violation of CCHD grant guidelines, but ….”if left uncorrected….”(are they aware?) it displays USCCB complicity with electioneering for an apostate Catholic who supports abortion through all 9-months of pregnancy, has performed two same-sex “marriages,” and is running on a campaign that promises persecution of faithful Catholics throughout the country.”
So it is possible that the USCCB and CCHD is not aware of these violations. I agree that if there is evidence that the use of funds from the grant are being misused then something should be said. Since you have done this extensive investigation it leads me back to my original question: Have you informed your Bishop, the USCCB or CCHD of this misuse of the grant? Since you are best suited to bring the case to light with your research.
Also one other point this grant you are talking about was given back in 2016. Can you trace the money from then til now and show a direct link of that money (2016 grant) being used by the FIA affiliates as of Oct 13, 2020? (the date of this article) Could the money have already been used for other purposes and no longer in the system before this time? If so then your accusation doesn’t hold.
I apologize I missed the part where you inform in your article of the 1.5 million for 2019-2020 CCHD distribution.
No worries. To your original question: “Have you informed your Bishop, the USCCB or CCHD of this misuse of the grant?”
I spent more than 3 years communicating with Ralph McCloud, the executive director of the CCHD, trying to inform him of the issues we were finding with CCHD grantees. After I proved to him that the Gamaliel Foundation (another large network of CCHD grantees) boldly lied directly to his face about its relationship with an organization pushing same-sex “marriage,” he cut off all communication with me. (you can read about it here: But this after I consistently found him making excuses for CCHD grantees engaging in the promotion of grave immorality and having the evidence disappear shortly after I shared my findings with him before publishing reports. So, I feel no obligation to inform him of any of my discoveries prior to publishing at this point. But he most certainly knows about it now.
Believe a class action lawsuit should be bought against the CCHD (Faith in Action) for using it’s Catholic’s members funds illegally.
I wrote to my bishop about this, and to several officers of the CCHD in my area. No officers have responded. However, this is the message I received from my bishop:
I personally agree with your assessment of Faith in Action. I will write to complain to the USCCB, but I don’t know what impact my letter might have. May God bless you, and God bless America.
I am so heartened by this. Please give your bishops a chance. Write to them!
This is excellent news. Would you mind letting us know who your bishop is?
Would you possibly be willing to share the text of your letter, please? As it was persuasive, I am sure that others (read: I) would benefit from seeing/using it to craft their own. Thank you for considering this request!
Our Lady is right The Bishops & Priests are taking souls with them to Hell.
I will no longer give to the collection in our church for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development! I can’t Believe what our Bishops are allowing to happen in the Church! No wonder so many Catholics are leaving our Church. It’s time long over due, that the laity stand up for what Jesus taught in his Church. We really need to pray more Rosaries to fight the devil with all our might,
With all the needs of the poor, no money should be sent to political groups, unless it is to protect human life. It is a scandal to push for pro-abortion candidates. God is not pleased
We don’t contribute one dime to the Campaign for Human Development….the USCCB is corrupted. But instead we DO div ert any money we would have given them in the past to food banks, local missions to clothe and feed the poor and pro life causes like maternity homes. While we should call on our corrupt shepards to get back on the right path and lead us in the true ways of the Gospel we still have to do the right thing by our brothers and sisters.
It’s a really sad day when I see the face of Christ in Donald Trump and I see that flawed man display more compassion for the unborn and the poor….like many great people in Scripture he is an unlikely hero….but just look at what he has done for minorities and the unborn. Wake up USCCB….
Shame on the Catholic bishops efforts behind the scenes to support the Biden/Harris ticket in the 2020 election is a real crime. How dare they support socialism communist marxism in our country. They needed to neutral, but instead they were very partisan. Unfortunate for the bishops when this really come out they are going to lose the financial support they need to promote their charitable and religious activities.