The abusive deconstruction of the Mass began in the late 1960’s, introducing liturgical dancers and girl altar-boys to the Catholic Church. Organizations like Call to Action, FutureChurch, Pax Christi, and a host of others have done their utmost to tear down the Traditions of the Church, replacing them with neo-pagan practices. Now, an organization operating under the name “Association of U.S. Catholic Priests” (AUSCP) is actively working to complete the paganization of the Catholic Church by establishing Catholic parishes run by “ordained” deaconesses.
Recent articles by the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) and caused us to take notice of the AUSCP. After performing a quick review of a broad spectrum of reporting (both friendly and hostile) on the AUSCP, we commissioned an Organization Profile and related research on the organization itself and its activities. Over the next several weeks, we will be reporting on various aspects of the findings in the commissioned report, but for this first article, we will focus primarily on the AUSCP’s blueprint for creating Catholic parishes run by deaconesses.
In an August 2016 press release, the AUSCP published a statement signed by its leadership team which claims that “ordaining woman permanent deacons will enhance pastoral ministry to God’s people.” This position by the AUSCP is not a new one, however, as the press release points out:
“In its national assembly held in Seattle, WA, in June of 2013, the Association of United States Catholic Priests (AUSCP) passed a resolution to promote the ongoing discussion of the ordination of women as permanent deacons in our Catholic Church.“
The resolution mentioned in the press release did more than simply “promote ongoing discussion” on the ordination of women as deacons, however. Taking matters a step further, the resolution specifically called for the ordination of women as deacons and a rewriting of Canon law to lift restrictions against the ordination of women. The passed resolution says:
Proposal 7
“Be it resolved The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) supports the ordination of women to the permanent diaconate and recommends:
- That the ongoing discussion of the ordination of women to the diaconate continue;
- That the US Catholic Bishops publicly support the restoration of the ancient
practice of ordaining deaconesses; (cf. Constitution of the Holy Apostles, 8. 19-20) - That the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) request
amendment of canon 1024 which restricts valid sacred ordination to baptized males
This support for female deacons, however, is not intended to be an end in itself, but a stepping stone to something far more insidious. At the end of the day, as with nearly all dissident, heretical sects like this one, the end goal is the priestly ordination of women by stages. The AUSCP’s Proposal 7 was immediately followed by a resolution for the ordination of women as priestesses:
Proposal 8
“Be it resolved that the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP), call for the study of, and an open discussion for the ordination of women and married men to the priesthood.” Rationale:
- This is a first necessary step (…study and discussion…)
- The People of God need shepherds
- The people of God need sacraments
Let’s review the progression … AUSCP asserts its full-throated support for the ordination of women to the permanent diaconate and the removal of restrictions to the ordination of women. Following that, AUSCP proposes “open discussion” on the ordination of women to the priestesshood. In the rationale, it calls “open discussion” a necessary first step toward ordaining women as priestesses. It’s worth noting that “open discussion” is never truly about an academic exercise directed toward Truth, but is more in line with the directed dialogue initiated by the serpent in Eden. In other words, just the possibility of having this discussion is seen as necessary for getting what they want … ordained women. But, before there can be a dialogue about the viability of ordaining women as priestesses, there must first be something to talk about and something to show as support for their position. This is why opening the door to the female diaconate is so important to them, and why their plan for “priestlesses parishes” is so integral to the plan.
AUSCP has a document on its website titled, “PASTORAL CARE IN AND THROUGH PRIESTLESS PARISHES.” In this document, the blueprint never specifies deaconesses or priestesses, but when considered in the light of the above proposals, the push for “priestless parishes” takes on a much darker tone than even the title suggests.
It’s bad enough to consider the proposal for a parish without a priestly pastor. But this proposal suggests an avenue by which deaconesses could take the place of priests as “Pastoral Leaders” of a parish. The proposal suggests that Pastoral Leaders will:
“take responsibility for the day to day coordination of parish activities, and take initiative as needed to motivate, to correct, and to affirm persons who work in the parish ministries; and where needed, provide conflict resolution and reconciliation. To be a true pastoral leader he/she must lead worship where appropriate, and likewise break open the Word. In short, he/she would be in the role of pastor, excepting sacramental ministry, and under the supervision of the canonical pastor.“
Here’s the thing … the current code of Canon Law permits only males to lead in liturgical worship. But … the reasoning goes … if a woman can take on the administrative duties of a deacon, and the priest is stretched too thin, why not allow her to also act in his place while he is away. Ordaining a woman as a deaconess would allow women to read the Gospels, give sermons, and conduct baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Women are already distributing Holy Communion, so why not let them conduct Communion Services in the absence of a priest? The only thing she couldn’t do is consecrate.
So, as an answer to the priest shortage crisis, the AUSCP (and others) proposes the ordination of women to the diaconate. The next step is to appoint them as pastoral leaders in “priestless parishes,” where a local priest runs around several parishes to conduct an occasional Mass to consecrate enough hosts to last until his next visit. In this capacity, the deaconess/pastoral leader will conduct Communion services without the Mass, looking for all intents and purposes like a priestess without actually being one. And then, if AUSCP (and its cohorts) can get some bishop somewhere to experiment with their proposal for “priestless parishes,” implementing ordained deaconesses as Pastoral Leaders, then it can proceed to its second proposal, which is open discussion for the ordination of women as priestesses. At this point, since women would already be doing just about everything else a priest does, with the exception of consecration, the logical next step is “simply” ordaining women to the priestesshood.
While it may seem a far cry for this to happen, the AUSCP has a great deal of influence through the bishops who have willingly participated in their conferences. For instance, then Archbishop Cupich of Chicago celebrated Mass for AUSCP’s Assembly in 2016.
The AUSCP’s Assembly in 2017 had the keynote address given by Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta, Georgia.
Archbishop Wester of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico was a participant, and Bishop Gregory Hartmayer, of the Diocese of Savannah, gave a retreat to the AUSCP.
At the 2017 Assembly, Archbishop Wester agreed to serve in a newly created position called Episcopal Moderator. Quite conveniently, the AUSCP 2018 Assembly will be in Albuquerque, NM: June 25-28, 2018.
Bishop McElroy of San Diego, California is slated to be a featured speaker in that assembly. Considering that there is a persistent rumor that Bp. McElroy is slated to replace Cardinal Wuerl in Washington, DC, his involvement in the AUSCP may be more significant. Only time will tell.
It’s important to point out a few other influential figures who participated in the AUSCP Assemblies. Fr. Thomas Rosica, who is the CEO of Canada’s Salt and Light Media Foundation and was appointed by Pope Francis as the English language Media Attaché of the Holy See Press Office, participated in the AUSCP’s 2015 Assembly. As Fr. Rosica was being introduced, the speaker mistakenly identified Fr. Rosica with EWTN, which drew boos and laughs, and the speaker apologized for “insulting” Fr. Rosica for doing so.
Other prominent figures you may recognize are Fr. Bryan Massingale:
Sister Simone Campbell:
Massimo Faggioli:
Fr. Greg Boyle:
And Jack Jezreel, founder of JustFaith Ministries:
If you think this is far-fetched and would never happen in the Catholic Church, let’s examine a few things that have been allowed to happen in Catholic Churches over the last 60 years.
Egocentric liturgical dancing has replace Christocentric reverence and awe.
Gross abuses such as mock-sacrifice offered through puppets have been allowed to replace the True and sublime Sacrifice.
Clown Masses have been permitted while the Traditional Mass has been suppressed.
Holy Communion has been allowed to be distributed by laymen (including women), and in the hand, replacing the distribution of Communion ONLY by a priest and on the tongue.
The point is, the danger posed by the AUSCP should not be blown off as a passing fad concocted by some aging, effeminate priests.
In subsequent articles, we will examine the structure of the AUSCP and give tips on how to identify whether AUSCP’s influence has spread to your parish.
A) Wait, where are the bishop’s cassocks and zucchetti? If they can’t be bothered to wear the clerical garb that is a sign of their status and Holy Orders, then what’s the point?
B) No priest, no Mass. Deacons cannot confect the Eucharist and female “deaconnnesses” break the First Commandment – to participate in worship with a non-ordained individual is a mortal sin. Many millions will go to Hell and die without the Eucharist.
Thank you, Bishop Cupich, may God give us a Catholic bishop soon.
Great comments! I also wondered immediately where the bishops’ cassocks and collars are. What’s with the casual shirts?
This is terrifying. Thank you for bringing this to light. I pray that our Bishops will confront this problem head on, but have little confidence that they will. The silence is deafening.
The most terrifying thing, however, is the prospect of Bishop McElroy being moved to the Archdiocese of Washington.
It’s sad, really. The biological solution was working to some degree. The radicals were aging out, and being replaced with comparatively orthodox younger priests and bishops. But with Francis, we see bishops (and archbishops, and cardinals) plucked from the leftwing fringes, and other bishops (and archbishops, and cardinals) either showing their true colors or finding themselves reading the “signs of the times” and accepting, or advocating, heterodoxy.
Of course, this doesn’t end well for the Church. The number of people who will attend Mass in a Church transformed in the mold of the AUSCP will be miniscule. There’s no reason to believe in a church that once held certain things dogmatically, but decided to abandon those dogmas to conform to the zeitgeist. And those who might be attracted to such a church are typically not people who are going to go to Mass regularly, or evangelize – because God really doesn’t care about those things anyway, right? As long as you’re a good person according to your own conscience, which need not be formed but should spring forth from your unique lived experience, then you’ve got a one-way ticket to heaven. We’ve seen the fruits of liberal protestantism, and yet decide to follow that path anyway.
There’s no explanation except the diabolical.
Unfortunately the great Doctor ans friend who sporny $500k ridding the diocese of Card Hounthausen is dead. He also brought in a number of Sisters who caught the chicanery office woman offering some sort of mass in the womens lounge and that was stopped. There was also a channeler whom the prementioned cardinal advised his priests to go for her for advise and many did. The same cardinal persecuted 7 priesrst for saying the rosary. The preist who beat him was old and not well. He won by announcing if this dog and pony show ca
omes to this parish I will set the church on fire. He was left alone.
There is an explanation it is called Novus (latin for new) Ordo (latin for sect, rule or order). It is a new religion and most people are blind to this.
Totally True.
I am extremely concerned for several reasons. First, my parents were very conservative and devout Roman Catholics, and I am also very conservative but still aspire to be as devout as they were, meaning that although I pray a lot, I often get behind on my Divine Mercy Chaplets and Rosaries and find myself hurriedly making them up. I also need to attend Mass more frequently, i.e.: not just on Sundays and holy days, (although I have been battling several health issues, including BP II depression and anxiety disorders, along with Chronic Fatigue and other problems, which have put a severe damper on my energy and ability to be the super-productive person I once was, but I am praying, asking others for prayers, and am not ready to “give up on myself” just yet). Nonetheless, I remember the Latin Mass, but I was very young at the time and used a child’s missal that my Dad had purchased for me during a Catholic men’s retreat; otherwise, I really would not have known much about what was taking place during Mass. Then came Vatican II, and to be honest, I liked the new changes, and although I was shy and needed time to feel comfortable with “shaking hands with complete strangers” to share the sign of peace, I loved seeing what the priest was doing and hearing the Mass in my own language as these changes afforded me a much greater understanding of the Mass. In addition, I must admit that I hated “sticking my tongue out at the priest” in order to receive Communion and was extremely self-conscious about doing so. In fact, I recently attempted to revert back to that original method of receiving Communion, in order to be more respectful toward Our Lord, but my attempt did NOT go well as I ended up bending my knees in a half-baked effort to “kneel,” after which the priest asked me, politely, to stand up because he was having difficulty “accessing” my tongue, so as you may have guessed by now, I will not be attempting that move anytime soon. However, I think it would be wonderful if we members of the congregation were ALL directed to proceed to the Communion rail and kneel in order to receive Our Lord, just as we did years ago. I do agree with you, however, in the belief that women should NOT be ordained because it is my opinion that if Jesus wanted women “priests,” He certainly would have ordained the Blessed Mother. On the other hand, I don’t really understand the objections regarding females as altar servers, lectors, or Eucharistic ministers, and when I was much healthier, I had the privilege of serving as a lector. By the same token, I am not an expert in canon law and realize that your objections to the Church’s decision to allow females to serve in areas formerly reserved solely for males might very well be based on said law, and if that is the case, then I would, of course, readily concede to your position. I also have, to put it mildly, a major “problem with” Pope Francis, as well as with the abhorrent liberalism that has infected the Church, and thus, I have been begging God to: either convert the Pope or replace him with someone who will properly lead us; divest the Church of the afore-mentioned liberalism; convert the world to traditional, conservative Catholic family and moral values. Finally, since I truly believe that, despite the many failings of so many (so-called) members of the clergy, the Roman Catholic Church was truly founded by Jesus, and so I will, to the best of my ability, continue to follow it in matters of doctrine, just as I do my best to follow the Ten Commandments. This means that I will never purposely miss Mass on Sundays or on holy days of obligation, even if I have to endure hearing a Mass being offered in Swahili. However, should purists one day prevail and selfishly force the Latin Mass down the throats of every single Catholic, including Americans such as I am, then I truly fear that I will wear black from head to toe and weep till the end of my days.
Informative article. As a priest of pushing 40 years…
AUSCP do not speak for me.
This is undoubtedly the most dangerous organization “within” the Catholic Church today. As the late-great Bishop Sheen said: “Judas stayed in – that’s the dangerous kind”. The fruits of Bella Dodd are continuing to rot our Church. Want a Catholic black list? Any Cardinal, Bishop or Priest members should be on it.
Practically women are running parishes with or without a pastor. Most of them are called “executive assistants” or “pastoral assistants”. Also there are the bookkeepers as well as the nuns or sisters who run the show.
I have already seen women doing communion services on Friday because there is no mass on Friday. Oh, did I mention the parish is in Chicago diocese? I think this was being done before Cupich. I left diocese for Indiana.
No female deacons. But where were the men with backbones who allowed all the horrid women to take over, Frank T.? I wouldn’t help out at a parish any more if I was begged to. IMHO, trad men have a sinful disdain for women. Some of those ladies might actually rather be at home reading blogs.
Seriously? If you want to meet men with backbones, go visit a Latin Mass parish. If you want to meet women who would rather be spending time with Our Lord instead of “home reading blogs”, go to a Latin Mass parish. If you want to know where the priestly vocations are coming from, go to a Latin Mass parish. If you’re looking for reverence, go to a Latin Mass parish. The best thing I’ve done in a very long time was to bail out of my NO, happy clappy parish and immerse myself in the Latin Mass. Modernists in the Church hate the Traditional Mass because they know it will deepen a person’s faith and that’s the last thing they want. Total destruction of the Church is what they’re after.
I agree. And through the grace of God, it is the traditional order of the FSSP that is attracting men to the priesthood. But we have to pray for them because not only are they rejected by some Bishops they are exposed to all the garbage (on the Web , TV, whatever) that the rest of us are. Prayer and fasting are all that will cast out some devils, and a great devotion to the Holy Mother of God doesn’t hurt.
Incidentally, one of the weapons that promoters of deaconesses use is that they used to exist in the Church. True but the blessing that bishops used, at that time, to install deaconesses was not the one they used to ordain deacons. (See Martimort) Also the deaconesses’ one function was to assist at female baptisms when this was done by immersion. It preserved the modesty of all concerned. With current fashions we do not need them anymore even if immersion was reintroduced.
I recently started to attend the Latin Mass, never looking back! I feel so far this is the safest place to be.
For many years, I took the view that the Novus Ordo had been devised to appeal to the lowest common denominator; and that it gets lower with each successive generation. It was only upon further reflection that I came to understand that this ‘lowest common denominator’ is, in truth, a product of the Novus Ordo Missae and, in all likelihood, its intended purpose. And in that regard, it has proved to be an outstanding success.
Thank you Joan P. for your clear comments on the difference between the NO mass and the TLM. For the past 6 months, as the Francis crisis deepened, I have been seriously considering attending the Latin Mass. I do like the liturgy in English because I can understand and absorb it in a meaningful way, but as I see the deepening crisis in the Church, I am becoming more convinced that I have to do what is right rather than what is comfortable.
“trad men have a sinful disdain for women”
What planet are you living on?!!!! For one thing, traditional men tend to actually act like … MEN. Real Men. Men who are chivalrous, protective, strong. In the ten years I’ve been at a Latin Mass parish, I have NEVER EVER seen a hint of “disdain” … for me or any other woman! In fact, I have found no where else in society where women are so honored than at a Latin Mass community!
Right on, Susan! Praise God, you have THE Mass available to you!
One of things I most treasure int the Latin Mass is that Jesus Himself, in the person of His chosen priest, blesses me with the Sign of the Cross with His Body before giving Himself to me in Holy Communion
Agreed. In an effort to avoid modernism craziness, I tried attending a sedevacantist church and you get the impression that they really hate women….refer to women by their husbands name (not even using her first name) ….seem to think all women should be married and have children (not all women are called to marriage)…
also refuse sacraments to those in need. Not impressed….but Latin Mass through the archdiocese seems to be okay.
It is a Command Of The Lord that only males can be ordained-a Command accepted, obeyed and faithfully followed for about 2000 years. But, if “no one is condemned forever”contrary to Jesus’s will, then these evil-energized folks candisbey Him on this too. Please please get and read and tell others of Fr Manfred Hauke’s book, Women in the Priesthood? for a full discussion of the Command; and of what really happened when – long ago – so-called “deaconesses” were initiated into their limited job. Summarized by me in
Male Priests Only – Can This Command Of The Lord Be Disobeyed?…/male-priests-only-can-this-command-of-the-lord-be-dis…
Posted on Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 by Guy McClung … The constant Church teaching on the males-only-priesthood Command Of The Lord, since the … Catechism of the Catholic Church,
Guy McClung, Texas
A good article about a truly problematic organization. However, the point about only men being able to preside at liturgical celebrations (outside of Mass) is not correct, and surely they will be quick to write off critics who don’t know this. See c. 230 § 2 and § 3 and compare with § 1 – they say “laici” and “viri laici” respectively. I am not aware of any text of the USCCB which defines this role as proper to “viri” alone… If someone can provide one, I would be quite interested indeed.
Does anybody know if there is a membership list available for AUSCP?
One correction: deacons were always able to distribute Communion.
Day of the rope, when?
“It’s worth noting that “open discussion” is never truly about an academic exercise directed toward Truth, but is more in line with the directed dialogue initiated by the serpent in Eden.” When Eve engaged in dialogue with satan it was all over!
Is this one of the 3rd secret of Fatima? God help our souls. Indeed it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and confirms the fact that Satan is alive & kicking especially in the Catholic Church. If we think this is bad, the worst is yet to come.
But Jesus said he would not desert His Church. So we’ll wait for Him to come & stem the ROT.
I come from a small rural town of Quebec.Everybody was catholic.The church was always pact on Sunday.We had a beautiful Holy Mass with a large choral.How much we lost brake my heart.Now,all our churches are strip of sacredness.Our churches look like conference hall, No more silence and reverence or adoration.In what,the house of God had turn in to?I’m thinking of my poor grand childrens.Who is going to restore our church? Holy Mother ,pray for us.
Lets use the correct words. There is a difference between a deaconess of old and the want to be “women deacons”. In the early Church deaconesses did not have any liturgical function. They assisted the priest with the baptism of women for the sake of modesty. The brought communion to sick shut in women because it would not have been proper for a man to go to the house of a woman. They did charity work. I the day that they existed, there were no active religious. There were consecrated widows who s function was to pray. There was also consecrated virgins who also did charity work and prayed. Of these only consecrated virgins exist today. I am one of them. The women who are pushing for the “return of deaconesses or more corrrectly pushing for women deacons are liberal religious sisters.
You can see where this is going from a mile away. They’ll only be happy when a woman (preferably a lesbian, transsexual – or one of the other 69 gender-fluid types) is on the Chair of Peter.
I thank God for Lepanto Institute and your valuable investigative work. Regarding Fr. Greg Boyle’s video, which is the only one I watched because I read his book, Tattooes on the Heart, his talk touched me deeply. I heard no evidence in this talk that he dissents from any Church teaching. Maybe I’m biased because I was born at White Memorial Hospital, where he ministers regularly. My family lived in Ramona Gardens, a government housing project, at the time, receiving “missionary baskets” of food to help sustain us as a family. My dad was a medical student at County Hospital, and later became a staff physician at White Memorial. He loved the people in the neighborhood and never stopped making house calls, including to places no other physician was willing to go, until his dying day in 1981 (of natural causes). It was a fulfillment of his dream to become a medical missionary. His favorite quote: “Whatever you do to the least of these, my brethren, you do to me.” It seems Fr. Boyle would agree. God is good!
Role of women in the church is “SILENCE”:
The Holy Douay-Rheims Bible…
Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak but to be subject, as also the law saith. But if they would learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church. 1 Cor 14:34-35
But every woman praying or prophesying (teaching) with her head not covered disgraceth her head: for it is all one as if she were shaven. For if a woman be not covered, let her be shorn. But if it be a shame to a woman to be shorn or made bald, let her cover her head. The man indeed ought not to cover his head: because he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. For the man was not created for the woman: but the woman for the man. Therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head, because of the angels. 1 Cor 11:5-10
In like manner, women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire: But, as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed; then Eve. And Adam was not seduced; but the woman, being seduced, was in the transgression. Yet she shall be saved through child bearing; if she continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety. 1 Tim 2:9-15
And Adam said: The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat…. To the woman also he said: I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under thy husband’s power, and he shall have dominion (authority) over thee. And to Adam he said: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee, that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work: with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shalt eat the herbs of the earth. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return. Gen 3:12-13, 3:16-19
Amoris Laetitia is but a Protestant Document, in Ecunemical madness, pushed through as a Trogan horse, in the name of Love only to serve Lust unto its core Sodom,, against the warning of the likes of St. Pius X, to modernism.
Protestantism(1 John 2:19) rebelled out of the Church of Thyatira(Catholic Church) through the unrepentant Jezebel spirit, in the depths of satan within & without , apart from a royal harlotry ,but to see Protestant America sunk in Sodom, against the warning of Jesus “Remember Lots wife” not Just to Sodom but complacency towards it, for a complacent one is already a Sodomite reserved for condemnation, the state that Protestant America is in today ,to the prophecy of SODOM & EGYPT
The Error of Protestantism lies at its very fundamental through leavening the word “Only” to Faith, by Martin Luther, ending up clashing with the book of James, amounts to contradicting the Holy Spirit even theologically , does indicate that his basis was based on a preconceived notion. He from the Augustinian order , echoing St. Augustine’s earlier belief, though in the abstract.
Salvation by Grace through Faith, which Grace is Christ Jesus himself, hence to the salvation no own works , entirely upto God. However Jesus came & took away mans sins, but then how does one impute individual sins upon him without EQUATING with him on the cross, other than through Faith, that involves works to James “:Faith without works is dead” through doing his Two Commandments, amounts to picking up ones cross daily to following him daily as commanded , results in “Daily Sacrifices” which daily sacrifices would be taken away to the Prophecy of Daniel, come through the Protestant Philosophy in the leavens of the Faith, but to its corruptions, Faith corrupted is no Faith, leading to a salvation by grace minus Fiat, but to Occult, indicating “Gnosticism in the Abstract” -EGYPT.
They the Gnostics have tagged spiritually something priceless, not the picture but the Essence, not knowing that the Two pointed up Fingers of his lifted right hand, denotes the two Commandments the very STANDARD by which mankind is to be Judged, but the remember the Two tablets of the Law written by the Finger of God, that Moses threw down on the people & their Golden Calf, come as the Two Commandments to the Judgement, for in these Two are fulfilled the Law & The Prophets.
Is there a canon law against women as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist? We have many women in our church fulfilling this role, including myself. I believe our bishop is a good and faithful bishop and he has permitted this. It is a beautiful ministry and I love the Eucharistic Lord so much! Why would it be wrong for women in particular to serve in offering the precious Body and Blood of Jesus? I offer myself and my suffering with Jesus’ offering constantly for souls, my little offering of Love offered with The Victim to Our Father in Heaven. Why would it be wrong for me to do the same externally as I do internally?
Additionally, I think we need to look at the possibility of a female diaconate. I’m not aware again of anything in scripture or tradition that wouldn’t allow this. Are you? I do agree that the path this association is on is clearly not in line with the magisterium, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. Women have much to offer the church, and not just in administrative roles. So, although I agree with your rejection of this association, I do question some of your points.
1) Please read this article on Communion in the hand:
2) The Church has always made it abundantly clear that only those who have been ordained are to touch the Sacred species, EXCEPT in some cases of great necessity (such as protecting the Eucharist from desecration). Here are some quotes you should know:
“To safeguard in every possible way the dignity of so august a Sacrament, not only is the power of its administration entrusted exclusively to priests, but the Church has also prohibited by law any but consecrated persons, unless some case of great necessity intervene, to dare handle or touch the sacred vessels, the linen, or other instruments necessary to its completion. Priests themselves and the rest of the faithful may hence understand how great should be the piety and holiness of those who approach to consecrate, administer or receive the Eucharist.” (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
“To touch the sacred species and to distribute them with their own hands is a privilege of the ordained” (Pope John Paul II, 1980 A.D.)
“For just as temple, altar, vessels, and vestments need to be consecrated, so do the ministers who are ordained for the Eucharist; and this consecration is the sacrament of Order.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and “greatest theologian in the history of the Church”)
“There is nothing which belongs more to the Church and there is nothing Jesus Christ wanted more closely reserved for its shepherds than the dispensation of the sacraments He instituted.” (Pope Gregory XVI, “Commissum Divinitus”, 1835 A.D.)
“[L]aymen are officially incompetent to dispense any sacrament: and that they can baptize in cases of necessity, is due to the Divine dispensation, in order that no one may be deprived of spiritual regeneration.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and “greatest theologian in the history of the Church”)
“[A]lthough those [in minor] Orders are entrusted with certain spiritualities, they are not admitted to the immediate handling of sacred things, as those are who are in sacred Orders.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and “greatest theologian in the history of the Church”)
“Can. 1306 § 1 Care should be taken lest a chalice, paten, or, before cleansing, purificators, palls, and corporals that were used in the sacrifice of the Mass are touched by any other than by clerics or those who have custody of these things. § 2 Purificators, palls, and corporals used in the sacrifice of the Mass shall not be put into the hands of the laity, even religious, unless they have first been washed by a cleric constituted in major orders; and the water from this first washing shall be put into a sacrarium or, in its absence, into a fire.” (1917 Code of Canon Law)
“The dispensing of Christ’s body belongs to the priest for three reasons. First, because…he consecrates as in the person of Christ. But as Christ consecrated His body at the supper, so also He gave it to others to be partaken of by them. Accordingly, as the consecration of Christ’s body belongs to the priest, so likewise does the dispensing belong to him. Secondly, because the priest is the appointed intermediary between God and the people; hence as it belongs to him to offer the people’s gifts to God, so it belongs to him to deliver consecrated gifts to the people. Thirdly, because out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church and “greatest theologian in the history of the Church”)
“We must also visit churches frequently and venerate and show respect for the clergy, not so much for them personally if they are sinners, but by reason of their office and their administration of the most holy Body and Blood of Christ which they sacrifice upon the altar and receive and administer to others. And let all of us firmly realize that no one can be saved except without the holy words and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which the clergy pronounce, proclaim and minister. And they alone must administer [them], and not others.” (St. Francis of Assisi, emphasis added)
“One must not forget the primary office of priests, who have been consecrated by their ordination to represent Christ the Priest: for this reason their hands, like their words and their will, have become the direct instruments of Christ. Through this fact, that is, as ministers of the Holy Eucharist, they have a primary responsibility for the sacred species, because it is a total responsibility.” (Pope John Paul II, 1980 A.D.)
According to the Catechism of the Council of Trent, this practice is traced to Apostolic times…
“It must be taught, then, that to priests alone has been given power to consecrate and administer to the faithful, the Holy Eucharist. That this has been the unvarying practice of the Church, that the faithful should receive the Sacrament from the priests, and that the officiating priests should communicate themselves, has been explained by the holy Council of Trent, which has also shown that this practice, as having proceeded from Apostolic tradition, is to be religiously retained, particularly as Christ the Lord has left us an illustrious example thereof, having consecrated His own most sacred body, and given it to the Apostles with His own hands.” (Catechism of the Council of Trent)
3) As to the question of a female diaconate, I recommend this article by Fr. Regis Scanlon:
Michelle, when the NO was first foisted on us, I was asked to help distribute the Sacred Host. I won’t go into on the “reasons” given to justify this as being OK, which I was given
I also took Our Lord to an elderly woman who said she did not like crowds, or leaving her house (no problem going out to medical doctor).
I quit after about a year. It did not June with what I had learned from Baltimore Catechism
Some years ago, a young married man, who had discovered that the Latin Mass existed, was giving a talk. He said that for a lay person to distribute the Eucharist was like LESBIANISM! that shocked us who were listening!!
He explained:
Jesus is the Bridegroom. Just as I, in marriage, give myself to my wife. So Christ gives Himself to His bride, the Church.
But I, as a member of Christ’s Bride, even though male, if I, bride, try to give the Eucharist to another “bride” – another member of the Church, isn’t that like lesbianism? Sort of?”
That really made me think hard about what is going on in the Church today, and most of it is NOT good
Pray to St. Michael to defend the Church! us!
For anyone worried that women can and should be priestesses, please read “Women and the Priesthood” by Alice von Hildebrand and Peter Kreeft. Very tiny book filled with facts and the humor only Kreeft can provide. It drives liberal “Catholics” more crazy than they usually are. Pay special attention to Kreeft’s masterpiece (in my opinion), “Why Only the Boys Can Be the Daddies”. The best $30.00 you will have spent in a long time! You can find it here:
Read the front page of the free monthly newspaper, “The Patriot.” The whole front page is titled, “Jesus’ Warning To Us.” Idea of the style of writing it (Jesus talking directly to the reader) came from the book by Clarence Enzler, “My Other Self.” If anyone wishes to read “Jesus’Warning To Us”, e-mail me at [email protected] and I will e-mail it to you.
Jim Dooher
Jim Dooher, I’d LOVE to receive a copy of it, but when I clicked onto you address, nothing happened. I’ll try it the old-fashioned way now. Please wish me luck:-))
When Faggioli was talking about Vatican II – he forgot to mention that many of the Cardinals at Vatican ii were infiltrated by Saul Alinkski thinking, which was to bring socialism and communism into the United States, and into the the world, via the Catholic Church. Those Cardinals sabotaged Vatican II, so that it was not conducted the way Pope John XXIII was instructed by the Holy Spirit. Saul Alinski, although deceased is still controlling many of the Cardinals, bishops and priests within the Catholic Church. We have 2 great hopes for the continuation of the True Catholic Church (not what we ‘think’ is ‘good’, but what the Holy Spirit says!). The Church is suppose to be a leader of God’s will – not the leader of evil. The Holy Rosary, and God’s promise that “the gates of hell will not prevail against His church”. There will be a remnant. Whoever wants to be among the remnant will stand firm with Jesus Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit – not a bunch of bishops who have crossed the line that Jesus drew in the sand.
Although the AUSCP is evil, the practice of Holy Communion in the hand and by a trained Eucharistic Minister is canonically permitted and implemented by modern Popes before Pope Francis. Check your facts people or your legitimate protestations will not have weight.
The purpose of the illustration was to show a dramatic change that would have been unthinkable for the previous 1,900 years of the Church’s history. That said, just because it is allowed, this does not mean it is right or good. I highly recommend this article on the subject:
I would highly suggest reading Cardinal Sarah’s commentary on why Communion should not be in the hand but given kneeling on the tongue.
I would like to see a list of members.
I’m thankful for the Lepanto Institute and the informative
articles. Also thankful for the reader comments; it gives me hope to know I am not alone in being gravely concerned for
our Church.
Does anyone know where the remnant church is. I think we should all start one with a remnant priest, latin mass. I go to Communion only to my old priest. He is 81. He is also novus ordo. But i know Communion is valid. An on the tongue.
Under Bergoglio and the homosexual US episcopate led by Cupich, the Church must hit rock bottom before she bounces and is revived by the SSPX. Count on it.
Can you please tell me where the picture of the women concelebrating Mass came from? You put it along with the AUSCP’s logo. Is this a picture from an actual Mass celebrated at an AUSCP gathering>
I think GOD would be pleased to have people spreading HIS GOSPEL regardless of their gender. The real question is, what are the men of the Catholic religion afraid of? As far as the story goes that Eve brought sin into the world and all women are
punished, hence childbirth, Jesus forgave everybody when he died on the Cross.
He cleansed all of us. Women and men are equal in the LORDS eye.
This is Heresy to the Max!