Influential individuals in Argentina’s political scene point at the fact that these protests appear to be an extreme overreaction when one considers the claims that caused the unrest to start. In fact, there is evidence of a coordinated effort with very clear goals. Groups of very well organized people are aiming to destroy or interrupt the normal distribution chains of food, fuel, and essential services. This week, a top official of the Venezuelan government appeared to take credit for generating the continent-wide turmoil.
The Chilean government has detained several Venezuelan nationals participating in the protests there. The same old technique of slow infiltration and dormant cells appears to have been used there. Since crowds of impoverished Venezuelan refugees have fled their formerly prosperous country looking for a better place to live, it must have been easy to pepper any number of Chavista agents among them. Iranian and Cuban nationals are also involved according to some reports.
Presidential elections in Argentina will take place on October 27. The left-leaning Peronists obtained the majority of votes in the mandatory primary elections. The leftist (some say Chavista) presidential formula enjoys the unofficial blessing of His Holiness Pope Francis. Handmade signs across Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital city, urge people to read the Pope’s Laudato Si while trying to convince the public to vote for the Peronist electoral front.
A recent video shows an incident at the Ezeiza International Airport near Buenos Aires. The Immigration Service computers malfunctioned at the time several crowded flights arrived. The officials in charge simply allowed everyone to enter the country without even presenting a passport. Many believed that was a coordinated action seeking to allow Cuban, Iranian, and Venezuelan agents to enter Argentina to further the chaos already raging in Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Brazil.
Off the record, many voices are expressing the suspicion that Rome is partly orchestrating this campaign seeking to revert the continent’s turn to the right that followed the surprising victory of Donald Trump in the American elections of 2016 and the subsequent triumph of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. If anything, the vociferous and violent marches through the streets of major South American cities, are horrifying the electorate that is beginning to associate the political left with chaos, poverty, and a dismal performance of the economy.
The influence, real or imagined, of Francis’ Catholic Church is not adding any prestige to the brutal maneuvers of the political left. The Catholic Church has been bleeding souls non stop since the days of the II Vatican Council. Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and other Christian denominations in Latin America are growing at an unprecedented pace, feeding from the corpse of a Roman Catholic Church gravely wounded by Liberation Theology and a generalized liturgical and pastoral chaos.
Pope Francis’ well known Peronist tendencies and the reports of strange neo-pagan ceremonies performed with the approval of Vatican authorities, have done nothing but embarrass those who really know about the current plight and real ancestral beliefs of the Amazon’s aboriginal peoples. If anything, the strategic instructions emanating from Rome seem to be backfiring: watching the flames consume downtown has never generated great political motivation after all. The political left, inside and outside the Church, are setting their future on fire adding plenty of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere of our old, tired planet.
If anything, the old cliches of the political left are beginning to wear out. The vast disaster that is Venezuela, with its “national church” presiding on a landscape of misery and death, is perhaps the greatest poster the political right could ever wish. In the same fashion, the involvement of those decrepit ideologues currently holding the Amazonian Synod, do nothing but push more souls out to the ever-growing non-Catholic denominations in the region.
Many wonder if Pope Francis is maneuvering to govern Argentina by proxy. I doubt it but he may feel bound by duty to do something for his country, a country he has never returned to visit where a good part of the Catholic population is ashamed and embarrassed by the Pope’s fumbling moves and his continued attacks on Catholic Tradition and character.
The story that started with the Amazon forest fires and now continues with this incomprehensible conflagration, hurting the poor and downtrodden of this long suffering continent. is casting an ominous shadow on the Vatican. Those leading the Church appear to have lost all bearings and seem close to go down in flames themselves.
“Satan will rule in the Vatican, the pope shall be his slave.” The false conclave of 2013 installed AntiChrist at the heart of the Church. Bergoglio and his narco-sodomite cronies must be denied any authority in the Church.
That sounds a bit harsh, John but it is getting hard to deny it. However, the office of the Papacy is a treasure of the Church, that is: it belongs to us who conform the Mystical Body of Christ. We are obliged to respect the office to preserve it from the damage that imperfect men can cause. Peter denied Our Lord three times and yet in the end, he fulfilled his mission. We can lament the present situation and recognize that this may be a purge of the sins of the Church and a preparation of sorts for a better age to come. We are going through the valley of shadows.
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
I wish the article covered the aspect that all of this unrest will push many thousands north to the USA border. Clearly, the most obvious motivation behind these events in the south have as their goal damaging Trump and interfering in the US 2020 elections by inundating the US border with “refugees”. I smell a rat, and his name is Obama et al.
What about a retribution for the mess Trump has made of the Deep State plans in the Middle East.
This is all geared toward getting rid of Trump.
Wednesday October 23, 2019
As this happens in between Rome and Latin America, the punishment is brewing. I have no doubt that The US borders will be stressed and Pres. Trump will be under increased opposition.
Today, Turkey and Russia have signed a pact. It is a matter of time that they will enter Syria together on their way to North Africa in an attempt to revive the ancient Ottoman Empire. They will also move towards Rome, snatch the Pope and continue. That will put a lid to all the progressive baloney in the US, Canada and the UK. They had peace for a while and used it badly. God is going to release the hounds on them.
If the Russians and the Turks move in that way, a number of prophecies will be fulfilled.
-the Russians will “enter Istanbul” on their way to Turkey
-the Russian flag and one Islamic flag will be raised in St Peter’s Sq.
-Russian troops will reach the eastern side of the river Ebro in Spain
-France will be conquered and Paris will sink
-Germany will resist but the Rhine will be filled with (enemy) corpses
-The Netherlands will be conquered
-Secret armies will invade Europe (refugees already there who are soldiers)
-US and Japanese forces with the support of China may enter Russia from the East
-etc. etc.
This is now configuring the prophetic scenario of the time of the end before our very eyes. There is more but it is too long to type it here. The Latin America situation is only a part of a global storm upon us.